Super K and the Opener!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
This past weekend was the gun opener in Indiana. My oldest wouldn't be going due to other obligations, so his younger brother and I headed to the cabin Friday afterwork. We saw a lot of deer on the way down and 5 right next to the cabin as we pulled in! That got the excitement pegged! After some bisquits and gravy on Saturday morning we headed out to the ground blind to brave the weather and hopefully see some deer. The early morning wakeup was a bit taxing, so Super K decided to catch some Zs before it got day light.
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

High temps, even higher winds, with on and off rain made for the most uneventful opener I’ve ever had. We didn’t see a deer from the blind. We left early that afternoon as some bad thunder, lightening and rain rolled in and passed the time playing some Skipbo. After getting licked in the card game I peeked out during a lull in the rain and spotted two does across the creek in the donkey pasture. Once they got behind some cover we tried to the put the sneak on them. We got within his shooting range, but by that time they’d moved far enough south that a house was in the background, so no shot. We then headed into town to pick up some things and spotted 3 does within 40yds of the ground blind!

On Sunday the weather improved a bunch! Still a bit breezy, but no rain and lower temps. We had two does cross the right of way we were watching, but were soon out of range and out of site in the grass and brush. Thinking I saw some movement above where they went in, I glassed up a buck! He wandered in and out of the grass and brush for quite some time, seemingly ignoring my son’s melodious tones on his grunt call! :D
DSCN2306 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
At one point he hit somewhat of an opening, but Super K could not find him in the scope before he got back into the brush. (Aside: Super K prefers to shoot the single shot 357 Mag rifle with a red dot scope on it. I also had a 243 along with a 6X scope, which he has shot and shot well, but he doesn’t like it as much. More on that later…). After watch him for the better part of an hour he exits stage left.

About 10am I spot a buck at the top of the hill and he looks like a good one. Super K gets back on the grunt call as he’s way too far for him. The buck heads south across the ROW when I have a decision to make; let him go or shoot him. Super K gives me the “go ahead” and I shoot as he’s about 5 steps from leaving the ROW; stopping him. One more drops him. Turns out he’s my best whitetail to date! And taken with Super K by my side!
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

DSCN2325 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

If hunting with your kids, let them pose with the critters, it makes them look much bigger!
DSCN2327 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
After getting the deer taken care of we headed out for the evening sit. By this time Super K is running on excitement, PEEPS, trail mix, and Diet Moutain Dew. To say he’s full of energy would be an understatement. Sitting still and being quiet were not wholly in the cards. I think I called him Captain Fidget Pants more than once! Thank goodness for ground blinds. About 4:30 I glass up three does in the ROW out of range. He’s finally able to find them with the binos. They mill about feeding and make it 75yds downhill to our third food plot. Two move into the plot to feed. Super K asks if he can shoot one and I relate than he can, but it’s too far for the 357 and he’d have to use the “big” gun. He mulls it over a second and says, “I can use that gun!”. I swap guns on the rest and get it sorta lined up with the does. He gets behind the gun and takes a few seconds, but says he can see them. I direct him to the one farthest right and tell him to put the crosshairs right behind the shoulder. Then the STOP; When you’re ready; STOP routine starts as she feeds around. She hits an opening and stops, “When you’re ready”, then BANG! The two does head right and into the woods; one with its tail up and the other without it up. He’s stoked! I’m pretty sure of a hit, but always downplay it a bit so as to lessen the distance of a ‘fall’ if that ever happens. He wants to go get it right then, but we give it a couple of minutes. About then one doe runs out of the woods from the right and crosses the ROW. :D I take that as a hint to go check for blood. We find blood and good blood! Follow it into the woods and then I “let him takeover” following the blood… :D
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

DSCN2360 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Such a good weekend with Super K. With two boys it’s hard to always get each of them, especially the younger one, enough one on one time doing stuff like this. I hope he enjoyed the weekend as much as I did, but I'm not sure that's possible.
So cool, can't get enough of these family success stories. Been a good season for em so far. Good job daddy Tyler & Supah K!
Congrats! Definitely a strange opener. I didn't hear a shot until after 9AM and only heard 3-4 all day where I was. Heard a few more on Sunday but not near as many as normal. I'm thinking about letting the does walk where I hunt...density seems to be way down this year.
I love the picture of Special K laughing and holding the deer. That is one to put up in your office! Many more great hunts to come for ya'll
Thanks for all the kind words.

That couldn't have turned out better. I like the picture of you and Super K with your buck.
Funny you point that picture out. Super K took that picture using a tripod and the self timer! I too like how it turned out. Occasionally, I just give them the camera and let them do what they do. Sometimes you find gold on the memory card.
What a great trip...especially given the weather back home this weekend. On the "other" board the reports seemed awful. Congrats to both of you!!
Congrats Tyler, the second biggest buck I ever shot my oldest was about 9 or 10 and he couldn’t get on it and gave me the green light. I love hunting with my kids. Tell super k congrats from us in Missouri, I love the last picture pure happiness. Having 3 boys I know what it’s like to try to get time with each one of them. Someday it might be fun to get the boys together for a hunt.

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