Caribou Gear

Stir crazy in the cold

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Had to get out of the house! The cold weather and the no school had me bouncing off the walls, so today a friend and I went calling for lion and bobcat.

We found a set of fresh lion tracks and followed and called for a few miles with high hopes of calling it in. It was so stinking cold that the batteries drained super fast in the e-caller. We kept plugging and used my Sceery call, until the reed froze up. With faces, toes, and hands frozen, we headed back toward the truck. We each had doe tags for the area and agreed if we found some volunteer deer, we'd put one more in the freezer.

We found a doe and fawn. Andy took the doe at 150 yards with his 7-08.

I steadied my 223, and fired. 2 deer down! We boned them out and got back to the truck frozen and happy. It sure beats sitting in front of the TV.
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Thinking about doing the same thing.Yesterday it started out at -30 and got to around zero.Not ideal weather for bowhunting plus my truck really didn't want to start.Warmer today,supposed to get to around 4 degrees.Way to brave the cold T-bone.
Nice job, T Bone. I've heard it's been cold up there the last few days. I'm a cold wimp, and probably would have opted for the TV. :rolleyes:
T Bone,

I agree it's great to get out, even if it's colder than he!!. Good eats, but I would like to see pics of a lion soon. Good luck!
Nice work Tyson. I had a couple doe tags in hand back in SD this week, but got scared. I looked at lots of meat, but thought it sure was cold to pull the trigger. I kept telling myself that freezer meat is good for this year, but it does suck to tape up those spendy NR doe stickers.:D

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