Stilllearnings 2008 log book


New member
Dec 8, 2004
New Brunswick Canada
Well I figured it was time I got started on my log book for 2008. Eastern (a hunting buddy) and I have went and checked out the new property that we hope to hunt some this year and were very pleased as we saw some great sign of things to come.
We figured this past Friday night that we should get out our so called blinds that come out of the package looking like this.


I would say about 12" across when folded up and when set up looks like this.



Look even the cat like it.
We even got our coats out and put them on and I even tried shooting with my gloves on. We set up the chair I have to sit in behind it and took turns shooting out of it. Well the thirty yard is uphill a little so it was no problem for it. A little different shooting sitting down but all went well. Even tried Bambi at 23 yards I think it was and had no real problems. I then decided to hit the 20 yard target straight out from me at the highest point of the blind.
I took careful aim .................. squeezed the shot off............. and wack.................. a not normal noise to say the least. I could not see the arrow in the target and when we got up to it I could see it was way high. we started to look at the blind closely and found a hole in the blind about an inch from the top.



Notice the pencil. That hole is not suppose to be there. OOOPPPSSSS When I drew from behind again at the 20 yard target I got Eastern to take a look and see where I was pointed. yup about 1" blow the top of the high point.

Oh well I guess I have a shoot through blind now but it did affect the arrow flight so I will have to be mindful of were the deer is when i draw my bow from a sitting position behind the blind.

Still a good night of shooting though.
This should mess with your head.

I feel a heck of a lot more comfortable with my shooting now. I don't think I can explain it all but here it goes. I figured out with Hopesman's Grain scale that I in fact have been practicing with 100 grain field points in so the Mechanicals should work well. I did in fact put two 85 grain field points in and one 100 grain to see if there would be any difference out to 20 yards at least as that is all the distance I can get in the gym. No detectable differences. Now I do have to check this out to 40 yards as soon as I can.
I then grabed my new pack of Magnus stingers with bleaders that on the package say 85 grain and took there respective weights. those 85 grain heads are in fact 95 grains down to 93 grains. Wow did not expect that.

Now my new arrows are a 7.3 grains per inch while the old are 7.0 grains per inch. I have shot the new ones with the 85 grain head and found they flew right on with my old arrows at 7.0 grains per in with a 100 grain field point as it turned out to be and out to 40 yards fly right on the money with each other.

So am I just lucky that everything is flying good or and I just lucky that the differents in arrows end up being the same in the end by pure luck and that is why they are flying the same?

I don't know what the answer is but I know all are fying well and I aint about to mess with what works now as the season opens in 5 days.

Is there realy that much difference in arrows and heads in a 15 grain range that matters when shooting less that 50 yards?
So am I just lucky that everything is flying good or and I just lucky that the differents in arrows end up being the same in the end by pure luck and that is why they are flying the same? thinking a little of both. but did you say what kind of arrows you are shooting? might have missed that. have to remember that some brands have a tolerance that they don't disclose. not sure about the broadheads. never heard of such a big difference in weight.

Is there realy that much difference in arrows and heads in a 15 grain range that matters when shooting less that 50 yards? not really. but saying that, remember that the speed of your bow will have an impact also. the faster it is, the flatter the arrows will fly.
My old arrows if I have it right were the Easton epic at 7.0 grains per inch and I think the new ones are the Easton Axis ST at 7.3 grains per inch. I don't feel good about shooting any farther than 40 yards so from what I am seeing with my set up and my shooting (has lots of room for improvment by the way) I am fine. A little luck goes a long way.
where I hunt, 40 yards is never an option. either in tree stand or in the woods. can't see that far. never have shot anything more than 20 yards. most have been 15 and under. love that rush of them being that close. deer, that is.

reason I was asking about the arrows. most of the non name brands have more bend and less strength than the brand names. eastons are at .003 tolerance. which matches the best on the market right now. the store brands are at .006. doesn't sound like much, but at 30-40 yards, makes for some fun shaking and wobbling.
Good hunting to you TLC and thanks for your thoughts on this one. I could not figure out why everything was shooting the same but now I see that the overall weights were almost the same .......... well it makes sense to me now.
Well we got to easterns place around 4:30 and headed out. We got in the woods and took our time walking along. lots of fresh deer crap and tracks so we kept our eyes open. My son was doing real well at keeping quit with his walking and I was impressed. We reached the orchard we have to cross to get to the property we hunt and didn't we get busted by our first doe of the year. No doe tag so all is good and it was good to see deer and to see my sons eyes pop just about out of his head. We continued on and come out in the fields we hunt and a flock of ducks take off. That was cool to see. Around the corner of the woods and into the main field we hunt. All of a sudden I see movement of a real dark deer, Nope no horns so we creep along with the wind in our face and the doe had no idea we were there. As I crested the little hill there was her single young one. we watched as my son not thought this is getting cool and then the fawn run over and started nursing off of mom. My son that that was "way cool". We started to move on and noticed another deer just about were we should be setting up at and then another. Lets see that is now ..... 5 deer and a flock of ducks. got busted by both groups so we moved down to where we were suppose to be setting up and got settled in. wasn't long until my son says "Dad"
What son, as he looks at me and says "this is not the time to be sleeping"

yup took a power nap. as we continued to watch we see 2 more deer way over in another field almost 200 yards away. We continue to watch and then he says " there is one". We watch this one for a bit and then it goes out of site. The we notice there is 3 deer not one ............... HOLY CRAP one of them is a spike at about 125 yards away and they head for the tree line. as they enter a small line of trees between fields we take off headed for them and again the wind is in our favor. we get to the wind row of trees and then we see the deer playing or are the does being chased by the buck . doesn't matter as they are still way to far away and then we notice at least 2 more deer. We figure in total we must of saw at least 12 one buck for sure and my son says he thinks there were two bucks (spikes) in the group. we tried our best to get the shot but it just didn't happen and my son says that was cool Dad can we do that again before the season ends. you got it little bud. What a night.
I finally got a chance to get out again today. We were in our spots by about 3 pm I would say and the then we waited, and waited, and waited, 4, 5. 6, 6:30 Wait what is that about 200 yards away.............. 4 does................. nope make that 6.

So I start up toward them and realize eastern in coming up toward were I was sitting. He comes up toward me as he sees me walking up the side of the field and then down he goes on one knee and binoculars come out. He sees yet another doe. We continue and try and get up over a small knoll to try and get a look at the deer and see if any bucks have joined them. Busted and only one deer is there anyway so were did the rest go. We head into the apple orchard and it is starting to get dark quick.
As we enter the orchard we get busted bad and eastern sees at least 5 or 6 deer head into the woods.

Oh well at least we got to see some deer.

Lets see if I can get it all in here. My son came with me tonight and we were in our spot around 4. When we arrived it was windier and colder than I expected. The Blind I use (for lack of a better word) was down and some of the anchors were unfindable. So we folded it up and put in under some trees so it did not blow around.
We sat until about 5 and even I was getting cold so we decided to go for a walk and see if we could find were the outfitter had his setup on the property. We found it and talked about staying there for the rest of the evening as there were good deer sign in the area but in the end decided to head back up to our usual spot.
We came back up to the field we were sitting on the edge of and walked along the edge of the field until we reached our seats. We sat down and I looked at my watch 6 pm. I looked at my son and said to him that I expected if anything was going to happen it would be start soon.
I didn't any more than get that out of my mouth and 4 deer came from our far right and down toward us only along the row of trees that was about a hundred yards away. I watched them for a bit thinking they were all does until something caught my eyes. I pulled out the range finder and sure enough one was a buck. split fork horn but still a buck.
I told my son which one it was and he glassed it and they had no idea we were even there. They worked there way down the field and then crossed over the row of trees into the bottom end of a field on the other side. I tried everything I had with me grunts, doe calls, rattles, weez call. That slowed them down but they continued from right to left on the other side of the ditch or tree line. We could see them again as they came out of the trees and I kept using the doe call. My son wanted me to shot but I had to inform him that the deer were just to far away. Not an ethical shot. The did come back into our field and a small bunch of bushes ended up between them and us. I made my move to cut 20 yards off the distance. Then continued down to our left but coming closer. Now at 60 yards I am starting to get pumped and then another group of bushes made it possible for me to move again and get even closer. I had to put the range finder down at this point and start guessing. I then saw the doe again so down on one knee I went. I could see the buck right behind her in but my view of him was blocked a bit still by the bushes. I new he was going to move forward so I drew the bow. I come to full draw and wait estimating them at 45 max. He steps forward. But now the doe is in the way. I hold my position at full draw. She moves forward a bit and I put my 40 yard pin on his spine. The lighted knock comes on as it leaves the bow and I see ever thing in slow motion. I can see the arrow going away from me and headed for the boiler room. Wait the deer is beginning to drop to get ready to run and the arrow is now starting to drop. The arrow passes under the deer even with it dropping and I loose sight of it. The deer scatter so we head down to see if we can find the arrow as it is now getting dark. I look and see eastern coming across the field asking did you just shoot that spike. Very cool he says as I could see you at full draw from were I was.
I tell him I think I missed and we start looking for the arrow and can't find it. Eastern pipes up and say maybe it is still in it.

I head back to were I made the shot and bet my son to move to were I thought the deer were and eastern comes over to there and i hear him say "Here it is". He picks it up and checks it close. No blood a clean miss.

Well the adrenaline was pumping the legs were a wobbling and the heart was pounding.

so close but just was not meant to happen tonight. Well I at least got a shot at one here in New Brunswick finally in my fourth year of bow hunting. What a blast.
Well Technically speaking the bow season is over here. The rifle hunters are allowed in the woods tomorrow so it will make things hard for us. But on Saturday (Yesterday) Eastern and I were out. We arrived in our spots around 7 ish . About 8 I see deer off to my right and notice right away it is the fork horn. I know he has another deer behind him but I see no horns with the naked eye on it so I start ranging the fork horn. He stays out at 100 yards and will not come in. they cross the field and over into another old field That does not get hayed anymore. They will not respond to a doe call at all and eventually disappear. By the way eastern tells me latter that both deer were bucks but I concentrated on he fork horn so close I never even noticed the small spikes on the second deer. I then notice way off to my right and out in the apposite field something and I know it is a deer as the head is sticking out of the woods into the sun light. She, Yup a doe, sticks out like a sore thumb. very cool. She has a yearling with her and they never do get any closer than 100 yards also. Can't shoot them anyways. OH well.
10 is rolls around with no more sighting so we head out to find a tree out of the area to water. I couldn't even stand up straight at that point. oh man. We go back in for an evening hunt and when we expect the deer to come out like they have been doing .............. NOTHING................ Eastern sees another spike deer at dusk but I don't see him come up the field until it is so dark all I see is a black motion in the field. No way anyone can shoot and when Eastern gets up to move. Another deer blows and takes off on him. Busted.

All in all a good day and well to get meat in the freezer we are going to have to pull out the big guns. just has to be done.
The time is nearing in a hurry. I am down to less than 24 hours before we leave (a hunting friend and I) to go to New York State for the second annual Crazy Canuck road trip to do some hunting. We will be hunting with BT from the Archers edge and some with skipmaster while we are there. I can not wait and doubt I will sleep much tonight.

We leave a 5:30 Thursday (tommorow) Morning and can't wait.
Good luck still, take a set of rattling antlers with you I've been bring deer in with them for the past week.
I did notice that doe's will blow at the scent of doe pee right now but NY is probably in the middle of the rut so it can not hert.
Have fun , be safe.
I will copy all my post over to here as soon as I can about our trip. A good trip but a little frustrating. That is hunting though. Rifle comes out for one more chance I think.
Oct. 31 2008

Lets see if I can catch this up. We arrived after about 10hrs of travel and there was just about a half hour of light left. Why not off to the platform stand we go and still in our street close and bows in hand kinda snickering under our breath.
No deer but we had to try.
I was tired out so off to bed early and got a great night sleep.
Up and at it around 5:30 and in the stands around 6:30. I could hear deer but just could not get my eyes on them and had that buck the Hopesman saw go right by the back of my stand on the lawn and I never heard a thing and of course did not get to see him. Stayed in the stands until around 1 hoping a deer would still be on the move in this transition area but alas no luck. Back to the house, snack, check the bow, Is on by the way, a nap and then back to the woods. I must of had 20 grey squirrels running around the area and you could not hear anything other than them in the leaves. We kind of forgot about it being Halloween and because of the kids out we think it closed off the route the deer usually take so not one deer tonight. But then again that is hunting ain't it? I did hear a tussle in the leaves and a twig snap so I started trying to figure out what was there. Well for heavens sake it turned out to be small fox. Tried to stand so I could draw and the seat creaked so the fox busted me and then he was gone. Still a good day with friends.

I will try and report again tomorrow.

Nov. 1 2008
I saw a cat this moring. BT would not be happy if I shot a cat.

Evening Nov. 1 2008
Well Well Well
I still have not seen any deer but I forgot to mention that on the first morning I was sitting in the platform stand and these little finches (some kind of bird anyway), landed on my coat. cool

Now this morning I sitting there watching straight ahead and notice the weight of my bow change a bit for some reason. What was going on was a bird had landed on the arrow right out at the end of it. Latter in the afternoon I again was just sitting there and all of a sudden I feel somthing land on my leg. What is going on I look down and right on my thigh is a chicadee. It then jumps up on the back of my had or glove and then it proceeds to jump onto the string, over onto the arrow again and shuffles it self across the arrow and then proceeds to jump on the left thigh. It sits there for a minuite and then it finialy flys away.

What was up with that?

Nov. 2 2008

Today was a long day and well both awesome and it also sucked.
We got up today and I headed into the swamp stand cause that was going to be the hot spot. It was anything but hot out this morning. I thought I was going to freeze to death. I had another chickadee land on my arrow again and got a good look at the fox again but saw no deer. out of the stand at 9 instead of 9:30 only because I was shivering to hard.
Head back to the house and go to Westchester to meet up Greg. We get down there and talk for a while and then head out to the stands. Around 4:45 I think it was as things are a bit of a blur, a deer heads toward me and crosses the brook to my right and heads across to the left side. I notice spikes and realize that it is a young buck. As he walks behind a tree I draw........ He stops right there with his hole body behind the tree. I hold as long as I can and then let down. just as I let down he heads out to cross broad side on me so I draw as he goes by a tree but he fools me again as he turns and comes straight at me. I have to let down and he turns to go and starts to leave. I let out quick noise with my mouth that hear all the guys on the videos do and by gum he turns and heads back. Only one problem he is coming straight at me. trying to keep my breathing down to a pant instead of puffing I wait as he starts to head back to my right. He steps into a spot quarting to with his head going to my right and right behind one tree with this body sticking out between the first tree and a second tree at his rear. I draw and decided to pull up as close to the shoulder as I dare and put the arrow into the ribs. I release. WHACK. The two blade innerlock opens up perfect and the luminock disappears. The dear turns and heads back in the direction he came from and up the hill with the tail up but seems to struggle a bit going up the hill. He is hit but how good I think.
Well turns out we can not find the arrow so it has good penetration because it is fully inside the deer, but we are never able to retrieve the deer after tracking it for 800 yards. I think the deer is in pain and is unable to lay down with the arrow in it so it just walks slowly and never did get to the top of the hill but skirted along the side of it only leaving droplets of blood that are very hard to find.
I don't know how to feel. I made a stupid shot but hit the deer well. somehow I did not hit major organs but am sure the deer will die if it is not dead now and taken by the coyotes. Either way I feel bad.

Crap. Tomorrow is another day and I feel like staying in bed but the others are making me go out and as they say get back on the horse that just through me. At least I got to see deer right?

What a stupid shot to make. I new better than to do that.

Nov. 3 2008

I was talking this over with BT and I have played that shot over and over a million times in my head and I know were I aimed and I know were I hit. It was a good shot as the only noise I heard was the expandable opening, not hitting bone. I also know I got great penetration as the luminock I shot went out of sight. gone inside the animal. I know I made a good shot but as BT said there is a no mans land in side the deer and he thinks that the arrow may have found that area. CRAP. What bugs me the most is the fact that I did not recover a deer I wounded. I don't like that but understand as a bow hunter it will happen even on good shots. No question about that. I happens even to rifle hunters. How it happens we will never know.

What now is the question? I continue to hunt and as you said SMJ I get back out there and continue and learn that I don' t take that shot again.

I was also telling BT that when I go back home you may not see anymore post of me hunting this year. This is not to say I don't want to hunt but I have to pick up the slack I left to go on this hunt. We have two kids to look after and there is a lot of running around to do with them so my time in the woods may be over for this year and then again if the kids want to go out one more time I will have to take them. LOL
Anyway we will be back at it soon but right now there is someone working out there so the deer are not moving

Later that day.

I just can't get this out of my mind. Lets try and paint the picture of the shot.
A deer at full broad side with the head on the right and the rear on the left. Not take that deer and start turning it so the head is now rotating toward you untill you reach a 25 degree angle. Hope that all makes sense. Now place a tree cover the head and most of the front shoulder. I then tryed to hug the tree with the shot but got out from the tree to mid body mass. The shot distance was 23 yards out and 20 feet up. yup a sharp angle.
I do feel bad about this and I know everyone is going to say keep at it but it is hard to get that out of my mind.

How do you get your confidence back enough to make another shot with out second guessing anything?

Evening Nov. 3 2008

But I do have to add that we had our last afternoon/evening in the stands and we never saw a thing. still I got the operatunity to sit in the platform stand with BT right there. A great evening and great time with the BT family and can not say enough about the folks down here. Greg and ray a great big thanks again for your help and guiding. They put us in stands that produced deer and possible shots. Gotta love the comitment to this sport of these guys.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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