Spring is here...What is everyone doing?


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Spring has sprung in these parts. I figure many folks are going to be getting out and about. What does everyone have planned for the spring? Should be a good turn-out for black bear and turkey hunters...I being one of them.

Something else I have longed to do is become proficient at running water. I signed up for a boatman and river rescue class this spring. Today was my first on the river with the class. Besides running rapids, I swam 30 yards from one end of the river (through a rapid) to the other, flipped and climbed into boats, and a few other things. It was a great time and all in a day's work.

Here a few pics from today's run, notice the hills greening up.


Great pics Ovis,

What rapid did you swim? I have gone swimming in every one of them on that stretch,rarely on purpose, some of them more than once.

Del, about this time, all that is in that stretch are Whitefish. Most people don't fish for them, but a few like them smoked...
Nice pics and makes one want to start dusting off and heading out in to the hills.... :D
Thanks for the compliments guys, but none of you mentioned your plans for the spring.

Del...you're probably fishing.
Gunner...Don't you have a bear hunt or something coming up?
ElkChsr...Are you cutting trees this spring?

Gunner, I don't have all the rapid names memorized just yet, but I want to say the name of the rapid I swam was Hotel Rock. Regardless of the actual name, I have my own for it...Mouth Full O'water. :eek:

Might mention too, I can get "all" NRS equipment (apparel, PFDs, boats, etc) at a great discount. There isn't a set percentage off, but most items run about 20% - 30% off of the catalog/internet price. So, if you want me to check on something for you, let me know and I can get you a price or place an order for you.
Bennet's Rock or Lunch Counter maybe??? That water would have been cold, as it was likely snow yesterday....

In order there, there is
Whitewater 101
Go Left or your Dead
Bennet's Rock (aka Lunch Counter)
Chief Parrish,
Mike's Hole
Mix Master
AMF (Adios My Friend or Adios M_ther F_'r)

Oh yeah, I think I might get some Bear hunting in this Spring.... Mostly just packing other's bears.... Luckily, Moosie only shoots the little ones.... I hope other shoot little ones too...
Okay, here was my take on the rapids...

Whitewater 101
Whitewater 102 (I ran that one)
Two Dogs (You can get a good view of this one from the road)
Hotel Rock
Mike's Hole
Chief Parish (I ran that one)
Beehive Bend (where we pulled out)

I'm pretty sure it was Hotel Rock or maybe Mike's Hole where I swam. You're right, the water was damn cold. Besides being pooped from the swim, my body felt the shock of the water too!
The NRS deal is pretty sweet. Last year, I was able to get stuff at "Outfitters" pricing, and if that is the same discount, it works for me.... I spent about a $1000 there last year, equiping the new raft. I am not sure what I will need for this year, but I will peruse the catalog when it shows up next time....
Yah, I thought the deal was pretty dang good. Here is my shopping list for Tuesday's order. Let me know if there is something on there that sux!

Paddler's Gloves

Hydroskin Farmer John

PowerHouse Splash Top

Lotus Rio Grande PFD

ProTec Ace Helmet

Grand total on the web comes up to $400, but I suspect it will run more like $280-$300 with the discounts.
Cool pics Ovis. Bet the water was a tad on the chilly side though. Best of luck with the water this year. As soon as the hills free up from snow I will be out on the horse and enjoying the country looking for bears and just looking around. I hope to get a little fishing in as well.
I plan on heading up in the mountains for a couple few day's after this bunch of classes get finished up. I am going to dig a trench thru the snow and work on undergrounds shelters back into some new elk country (new to me). As soon as fishing season opens for the creeks, I am going to start working on filling the freezer back up with small trout so we have some good eats in the winter when fishing gets tough... :D :D :D
Well, nice pics but if you can't wet a line or float for deer I can't see it!! :D :D
I've got a full venue this spring. Right now I'm prepping two livers as bait for Turkey Vultures pics. I'm scouting the turkeys in CT and MA, trying to locate some decent MA bears for fall(no spring hunts) and thinking about going back to work this week. Not hard, just thinking. :D

Practicing my turkey calls so I can get the big tom in. a friend and I are going out openning day to see what we can call up. Also went squeker hunting on sunday afternoon. Got several but the babies aren't out yet. tey are fun to shoot because they are so dumb! kinda used a big gun (.338) but we had it out to sight in anyway (new scope) but we did give them a fair chance. we didn't shoot any under 150 yards.

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