Caribou Gear Tarp

Spring Bear hunting... Desicion time.


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm wittleing away a Couple Ideas.

1. Hunt bears around here and shoot another little/average bear.

2. Head to Montana And Hunt Bear with Greenhorn. If I get a Bear it's a bonus, Spendingtime with Greeny in the Titty bar is the real reason for going ;)

3. going back up to Caseys place in Saskatchewan. He has some Great bears and I've been there so I know what to expect.

4. Make a trip to P.O.W. (Someone made an Offer in the AK section). Or with a couple other offers.

5. "OTHER" (Anyone else with an Idea please fill in the Blank.)

............Desision time. Moneys a bit tight this year. We're exprecting alot of Medical Bills in Sept. Also a reason for not doing much this fall. (So did Everyone catch that hint ? :p)

So Option 1 and 2 would be solo deals or with my regular clan but if I Decide on 3 or 4, is there anyone else interested ? Just kicking around some Ideas. Nothing any were close to final.
I would love to but I hear you with the medical bill except ours are now so the only bear hunting I will be doing is here in Wyoming this spring. But Ak could be fun.
Sounds like Ol' Moosie is going to have a little cub of his own come Septemberish! I'd say stay local and shoot a dinky bear and make IdahoBugler pack it out.
hey moosie... you need to talk to DR. Bash in idaho city,...... he scores huge bears every year in that area.. he is also very helpful and helps out fellow hunters...i believe he still works at the idaho city high school..

I had to pass on a short notice offer from a great guide in AK for large spring grizzly. You may know the guy, Lance K? Used to live in Boise and now lives in AK. He was also featured in a recent American Hunter article on Dall Sheep by Ron Spomer. He has just bought the area and has two openings to fill. He would only have one if I could make it work this spring. He is already booked for 06 so in 07 I'm going.

So for me this year it will be black bears in Western Montana....less the titty bar.
What was the Deal on the Grixzz for the Spring. I'm always Up for a Last min deal.... DUDE !!! Talk to Moosie :)

Email : [email protected]
Phone (208)571-1ELK

Or PM me, Or mail me, ar whatever, I'm findable ;)

Wyo, Congrats is in order sounds like.
I.B. Your phone will ring in a min.
WilieC, YAH, I was thinking about that. But I might have him Help Bait... that uphill is a Long ways and Look at this picture, He did it so well last year :



Sage, I know they take some Good ones out of 39 but the close spots get Hammered by Hounds and for the Amount of people hunting it the % of bears taken and that are big are Miniscule. But I will pry into it for sure.
LOL ther Moosie. Ol' IB said his arms felt like 2" longer after packing all that stuff up the hill. Good Times!!
Ya, that sucked. Atleast I didn't find the bear when your dad shot it. That way I didn't have to pack it out.
Ummm..... That was me that had to find the bear, and pack it out. Along with the rest of the thrilling adventure with the two gals and the Volvo hump

But I am good with IdahoBugler packing all the bait in, and I'll be responsible for packing the bears out..... :D

(Hey IB, I understand Moosie is gonna be gone on April 15..... We can go set up the sites, and then not allow his sorry ass to hunt them.... ;)
Cheeto Baited bears??

ElkGunner... say it isn't so! I thought you liked to do things the hard way! ;)

Moosie, EG mentioned to like elk hunts where you wear out a pair of boots every other year, working so hard to find animals that at night you can't even stick your face inside your sleeping bag due to the stink.

With MT bear hunting, you end up stinking so bad the strippers charge you double for a lap dance.
working so hard to find animals that at night you can't even stick your face inside your sleeping bag due to the stink.

I've hunted with Gunner.... He smells that way after walking to his Mailbox. That being said, He does find and pack out bear good :D

Gunner.... Remember, I don't mind you guys seting up, I'll still hunt it :D

That sounds like a plan. First come first serve right. Also, I don't like the idea about me packing UP the bait and you packing DOWN the bear. :rolleyes:
Exactly.. first come first serve.. So when I arive at the BAitsite first after It's established..... Don't bother me :p
Man...I'd like to go back up to SEAK this spring and bust a bear. Once August rolls around I won't be doing any hunting for almost a year.

New baby, new overpriced beach house and a wife that has decided she doesn't want to work makes me wonder if it would be worth it.

Then there is the bitch'n from my wife. She'll enjoy giving me crap for going back to Alaska "again" and she hasn't been on the vacation I've been promising her. Though she did say on the phone the other day that if I were to go down and get the big snip, she wouldn't give me chit about hunting ever again. Would you believe her? I don't. :)

Anyone who has had a vasectomy have any comments? Does it hurt?
I was wondering if you would catch on to the distribution of work, (bait up hill, bear downhill....) I have to be the best bear hunting partner, I have packed 6 out of the hills and shot ZERO!!!!

Hey Greenhorn,
If you find the two gals wearing Birkenstocks and driving the Volvo, you won't need to stop by the Nudie Bar after hunting....

Although, I wonder if Baiting isn't the HARDEST way to hunt for bears. It is a lot of work and time. It is not like you can just hop on an ATV and go hunting....

Hey Ovis,
You are a brave man......
I am heading to the post office tomorrow. Tell Mrs. to watch the mail next week.
ElkGunner, if baiting makes it so hard, why bother? Hunting can be more fun than carrying 50lb sacks of dogfood, donuts, and cheetos around in the hills.

Regarding the Volvo, the girls were most likely from Missoula MT. Were they lesbians?
Trust me Greeny, Not all the Food makes it to the top of the hill.. and even after that, not all goes to the bear :


Pizza for the hair, Beagles for the eyes,Pitas for the ears and mouth... But were did the other part of the Pita go for the mouth ?!?! Blueberries for the Face, Off the the Right is BAgles, and those black things are Chocolate Chips...... MMmm MMmmm MMmm.... Not only did we have bears, we had the homeless shelter rading our stock pile. Either way we fed alot of critters for the amount we took off of it.

The boys love to help too.. the neighbors kid that was cutting my grass would stop and Help and I'd give him a Couple twinkies to take home.. HEre are my 3 rug rats :


As far as Decision time...... Desision made. Just wating aproval fom the Powers at be.

Gunna bring my lucky bear hat on my hunt this year......

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