Sport show pics


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
here is the shooting range and some kids learning to shoot. The little guy was instructed by yours truely, and kept 10 shots in the black! not bad for a 5 year old. The funny thing is the best all around consistant shooters were the 7-14 year old girls that never shot before. In fact there was 2 teenage girls in the shoot off that made it to the second from last round before eliminated.



Is that you in the light green shirt??:D ;)

Seriously though, thats cool that your're helping out the younger kids get into shooting. I don't think a lot of parents realize how much discipline it takes.
I think a lot of parent were thinking we would just plop the kids down, and give them a gun and tell them to shoot.. They were always surprised (and gratefull) that we went through the whole thing, fist explaining the safety and how and when to use it, and then proper form, and of course, the slow squeeze insted of the fast pull on the trigger.
What i found amazing is how many kids were right handed, left eye dominant. Dead givaway as soon as you see them put there face over the stock to look through the left eye. the majority of the parents had no clue of this condition and were always very interested in hearing what we recommended for them to do if the child persued shooting skills in the future.
We had some glasses with the left lens taped over and that was the best cure if the kid couldnt close his left eye. Very few kids preferred to try shooting left handed instead, but that wouldnt be my recommendation because of the left hand gun limits in the real world.
It was fun and it was great to see a kid as little as 4 years old put all 5 shots in the black!
Air rifles were donated by Daisey and i tell you what, it was advertisement well spent for them. I had tons of parents, and adult shooters surprised at the accuracy, and then ask who made the gun.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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