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South Park.......


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Anybody watch it ?!?!?! I don't think I have Cable so I'm not sure if I can But I got a Clip from Southpark the other day via Email that made me say ... WTF ?!?!?

Has anyone seen the one where the guy is on Jepordy and the Word comes up N*GGER. And the Description is "People that Anoy you....." He almost runs out of time and doesn't want to say what he thinks. The Black camera man peaks arounf the Camera and gives him a Look like.. "You better not say it White boy"..... But he Finally says he'll solve it. Well he says the "N" word. He get's beeped "WRONG", The crowd is DEAD Silent..... and they flip the * letter and it's an "A". NAGGER was the word. A NAGGER Anoys you......

It's one of those uncomfortable times when you are like.. What the Heck ?!?! How can they get away with that? Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the clip and what their thought was. I mean, yah, I laughed and the skit, but it was Still wrong.

Kind of Wrong like some of the Vid clips I got from Greenhorn years ago ;)
Nope I never saw the one where he was on Jeopardy. Did he miss it because he didn't answer it in the form of a question?
it was ok for him to say the "n" word....the guy that does his voice is black.
South Park is the bomb! I especially like the episodes with the pope in them. Funny stuff mmmk?

SouthPark is on Channel 12 every week night at 11:30pm. It is the older ones (as I think the new ones are on Comedy Central on Tuesdays) that 12 shows.

But, if you haven't seen them, they are funny. And if you have seen them, they are funnier as you understand more of the words.
To kind of tie into your corn question you would love the episode about Mr Hinkie the Christmas POOP. Absolutely Hillarious!!!!!

That's "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo." Sheesh!:rolleyes:

We all know of Rudolph and his shining nose
And we all know Frosty who's made out of snow
But all of those stories seem kind of... gay
`Cause we all know who brightens up our holiday

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
Small and brown he comes from you
Sit on the toilet here he comes
Squeeze him 'tween your festive buns

A present from down below
Spreading joy with a "Howdy-Ho!"
He's seen the love inside of you
`Cause he's a piece of poo

Sometimes he's nutty
Sometimes he's corny
He can be brown or greenish brown
But if you eat fiber on Christmas eve
He might come to your town!

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
He loves me, I love you
Therefore, vicariously he loves you!

I can make a Mr. Hankey too! (Pffffft)

Cartman: Well Kyle where is he?
Kyle: Ehh .. He's coming!
Stan: Come on dude, push!
Kyle: Ehhhh... I'm Trying!
Cartman: Wait, wait I can see his head!
Kyle: Here he comes!


Mr. Hankey: Howdy Ho!

I'm Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
Seasons Greetings to all of you!
Let's sing songs and dance and play
Now before I melt away.

Here's a game I like to play
Stick me in your mouth and try to say
Howdy ho ho yum yum yum
Christmas Time has come!

Singers: Sometimes He's runny
Sometimes he's firm
Sometimes he practically water.
Sometimes he hangs off the end of your ass
And wont fall in the toilet
'Cause he's just clinging to your sphincter
And he wont drop off .. and so you shake your ass around
And try to get it to drop in the toilet and finally it does.

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
When Christmas leaves he must leave too.
Flush him down but he's never gone
His smell and his spirit linger on.

Howdy Ho!

South Park is one of the few shows that makes me say "OMFG I can't believe they just did that." Last year, Oprah's vagina and butthole take a bunch of hostages and kill a cop. "Mingy, they got me..." after a sniper shots the butthole by mistake...then the vagina kills itself out of dispair. Unreal...and funny because of what happened leading up to the hostage situation.

Edit - a classic
[It's one of those uncomfortable times when you are like.. What the Heck ?!?! How can they get away with that? Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the clip and what their thought was. I mean, yah, I laughed and the skit, but it was Still wrong/QUOTE]

I don't watch South Park, I think its stupid. I have seen the clip, someone emailed it to me. I don't think its wrong, I thought it was a commentary on the political correctness this country seems to have adopted. You cannot say anything for fear of being arrested, fired, or ostracized. Example: I drive a city bus in Atlantic City, there is a rule of no food consumption on the buses. A 300lb woman got on the bus with a big bag of Lays Potatoe Chips. When she boarded, I told her no eating on the bus she said OK sat down and started munching. I told her two more times about eating, finally I told her that we were 9 minutes from her destination and I said "mam if you don't follow the rules of NJ Transit, I am going to have to ask you to step off the bus. Beleive me mam your not going to starve to death in the next 9 minutes."
She called in a customer complaint, that I was making fun of her weight, and pointing her out to others. I am probably going to get suspended for a day. She broke the rules, I get penalized. Some country huh!

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