Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Son's First Dove Hunt


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
My son was drawn to go on a dove hunt sponsored by the Texas Youth Hunting Program (TYHP) this past weekend. We showed up Friday evening, setup camp, ate and met everybody that was attending. There were 9 youths hunting and each hunter had an adult that would assist them.

They had placed a brace with an elastic wrap on his hand, which we just ended up removing whenever he was hunting or shooting. Yesterday they put an actual cast on his hand, damn near up to his elbow, just for a broken thumb.

Here are a few pictures from the event.

First, picture is Saturday morning, First dove hunt for my son. He was using my 12 ga. 1100. Believe he took 11 shots and got his first dove. Not bad considering it was only the second time he had shot this gun, and his first time ever bird hunting. Not to mention a broken thumb on his left hand.

Yes Jake, that is a dove.


There were only 3 doves killed on the morning hunt, here is Jake and the other lucky hunter who got 2 back at camp.


All of the kids had to write thank you letters to the land owners who were allowing them to hunt on their property. That is the Hunt Master in the foreground.


After breakfast, one of the local shooting ranges brought over 3 clay throwing machines and all of the kids got a chance to break a few clays.


It was co-ed as there were a couple of young ladies enjoying the hunt and shoot also.


We then had a couple of local Game Wardens stop by and give a speech and have a question/answer period.


Sunday morning sunrise. Enough said.


We ended up with 3 birds, and I believe the final number taken was 11. Here is a pic of what follows after any successful hunt.


A great time was had by all. There is nothing in this world like watching a young hunter learn what it is all about.
Good stuff! I know about the cast for a broken thumb, as I had one like that when I was 12. A little hacksaw work later, I had a cast that was removable so that I could finish out the Little League season! :D
Good stuff! I know about the cast for a broken thumb, as I had one like that when I was 12. A little hacksaw work later, I had a cast that was removable so that I could finish out the Little League season! :D

He is going to be able to play the remainder of the football season with it on, will just have to have padding put over it. So he is good to go. It should be off before deer season and his Utah elk hunt.
Good deal!! I had to be able to remove the cast as one can't play sanctioned Little League with it. I did get moved from catcher to outfield though!

PS- Where's the UT elk hunt?
PS- Where's the UT elk hunt?

It is the late season youth hunt near Vernal. Basically the area allowed to hunt is bordered by the Green River, White River and Colorado Border. Looks like we will be hunting around Blue Mountain

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