Son's deployment (USMC)

I agree with Riley ... and continue to correspond with your son to let him know he's continually in your thoughts and prayers ... and keep him informed of family and community news. The consistent, continuous connectivity and support is critical to his mental and emotional well-being.
Ive deployed twice to Afghanistan and I think it is harder on the family than it is on the service member. Once over there he will acclimate to his new surroundings and get into a routine. You guys are left wondering everyday. Just remember he is surrounded by good people that have some of the best training in the world. Letters and pictures meant more to me than care packages. Tell your son to be safe and thanks for his service!
Prayers for his safe return. Thanks to him and your entire family for the sacrifice of service.
“I like worrying about you.” Roy, Midnight Special.

"Succinctly and poignantly defining the best of parenthood in a single line of dialogue." Ignatiy Vishnevetsky
Utmost respect for you and your son.
Faith and prayer changes things...Trust God Always.
Send him care packages at least once a week. Post office has those boxes flat rate. Stuff it. Hell my son used to ask for Break Free to clean his 50cal. Some things the pistol office doesn't need to know. I ended every mail or call with some simple words " say Safe" God Bless him and God Speed to him!
God bless you, your family and especially yor son. I can't even begin to understand the emotional roller coaster you are on. I will say a special prayer for you all. As stated above, you all have my respect.
I agree. I read this thread this morning, and have spent all day trying to wrap my head around what you must be going through. Keep the faith Dad, it sounds like you've taught your son well.

I won't say it's in God's hands now, because it always has been. Remember that. Praying for all of you.
Deployment= best and worse time of my life. Hard to understand that unless you'd live it.

Gatorade powder, books and care packages in general were a godsend.
Thanks for the posts and PM's of support guys.

Thanks to all that are currently serving and that have served.
Great advice T-Bone, thanks to your boy for his service, and I'm sure you are VERY proud of him, as you should be.

Any advice to a dad whose son plans on enlisting soon?
T Bone he has a head start with you as his Dad! Your family will be in our families prayers! Many thanks for his service!
T Bone,
Prayers sent to him and your family. The USMC does take care of their own quite well. I was Army and did a year in the early days, 03-04. After being home and having loved ones downrange, I think it's harder on those at home. My prayer has always been to not let my kids fight the same war I did but I think that answer will be "no." I see you're close by, geographically speaking. PM me if you ever want to grab a beverage.
After deploying over 10years ago and now being older, and a father to boot, I agree it's probably easier on him than you. Be proud of him and keep him in your thoughts and prayers always. That meant a lot to me knowing ppl at home were praying and thinking about me. Be supportive and patient when he comes home, he will in fact be a different person. Give them hell Marine.

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