Sitka Pre Season Savings

Son and Daughter's first Antelope


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
Well it was looking good this year with two of my kids drawing Antelope tags. Plans were laid out months ago with us all taking the first three days of our season off. A little scouting and several nice bucks picked out last Sunday. As all good plans go there's bound to be a couple gliches in the works. Late last Friday I get a call from the owner of the company and he'll be down Monday morning for a meeting. Well I did get to track where my son and daughter were thanks to Mr. Spot. My son put his down at 8:00 am and they headed back to town with the plan for me to join them on Tuesday. Late Monday my daughter gets a call and she has to head back to work early due to short staff, hazards of being a nurse. Looks like it's going to be a Saturday hunt to end the season. Tuesday I take my son out to try to arrow a muley with several spotted but none worth the stack. Fast forward to me all alone Wednesday with everyone else at work. Now you should not leave me alone for to long as I get bored easily. Checking over the equiptment I decide my daughter needs a new scope. 1:30 I'm at the range sighting in her new scope and my daughter calls me saying she has the afternoon off but has to work Saturday. Yeehaw on the road by 2:00pm. Now we're 10 minutes out of town and my son calls to say he's off early and would I like to meet him at the range. After I tell him where I am he's torqued because he wants to come also. We turn around and meet him at the edge of town and he's on board with us and we're on the road again. We arrive at our chosen area at 3:45. After about an hour of not being able to find any of the Antelope they magicaly appear about a mile away. We get to about a 1000 yrds and my daughter and I hit the dirt heading for were I new they would go. I see a truck pull up about a 1/4 mile the other side of the herd and just new they would try for the buck but if they pushed them they would come our way. Sure as the sun comes up every morning a guy gets out and starts walking toward the herd. We are at a disadvantage and need to cover about 500 yrds at quite a pace in order to cut them off but luckily there is a small dip we can slip into and we hit it running. When I figured we were in position I set my favorite daughter up with the bipods adjusted for her. moments later the group came into view moving at a good clip at 295 according to the range finder. We picked the biggest buck and she lined up on it. I told her they would stop right away and when they did she should pull the pin. They did stop but just as quick they started moving at a fast walk again. I told her to hold dead on the shoulder and let it go. Boom and plant, my daughters first antelope is down and out. Now it's not the biggest but it is the first and real pretty. Funny part of this was the other guys were after this buck since Monday morning and had it at less than 200yrds several times but it would not stand still for them to shoot it. They were some peeved at us shooting it but since we were on it first and a girl out shot them they saw the light and gave her the congrats she deserved. Dad wasn't there to take my sons field shot. Not the biggest but with as limited time as we had this year they got it done.


Congrats to the kids. Your daughter's buck looks like he has some winter shag.
Thanks I am blessed to have my crew around. The season complete with this addition to the wall. They are wall mounted for now but both will be mounted on old cedar fence poles when we're done.

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