SD freezer filling


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I had a left over doe tag in SD so I spent some time in the blind one evening.

Too bad the does didn't show up, but I did have a few bucks come in for pics. These guys came in and then back out after getting a little nervous.

This guy never got closer than 50 yards. I think he might be pretty good next season.

I had these two at 17 yards.

This guy was licking his lips after a nice meal of alfalfa.

These guys got me by surprise and I only got one quick shot of their two second battle.

This guy was working on a new hair-doo.

Well the does didn't cooperate for my one day bow hunt, so I pulled out the bang stick and killed my doe the next morning.

As a bonus I also found my first shed of the year. I have a feeling my hunting buddy will be finding quite a few more in the near future.
Nice photos. How are you liking the FZ-8? I noticed that the focal length for the photos you've been posting is 72mm. Are you really not using the zoom at all? The 100+ yard photos in your earlier post looked like you must have used the zoom. Is the metadata lying?
Sweet pics Miller. It isn't too often that you have the problem of too many bucks and not enough does. Sounds and looks like a well managed piece of property.
Spent a couple days in ND in December and found some bucks, but nothing of any size (I did get within range of a small fork). I still have some learning to do over there and they were a bit spooky.

I could have chased them this last weekend, but I was tired and needed to get back to reality in MT.
excellent photos mt. have something to look forward to next year the way it looks.
Great pics! I'd be happy to hang a tag on most any of those bucks...'course they were all bigger than the muley I shot in MT.
Nice pics! How many bucks did you see in that one night and did you just set up the double bull and hunt out of it? Did the deer react to it or just ignore it?
I think there were 6 or 7 bucks that came to within 20 yards, 5 were four points. The blind was set up about 10 days prior.
Very cool!! Now is this over at your buddies place as well, or somewhere different? Looks like a great way to spend a coupla' of days off. Great pics......
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