Caribou Gear

Scouting services in crosshairs

This is still inherently different that just selling XY coords of a specific animal, that guide is providing a service not a good. Further the guide couldn't sell the same bull to 50 different "Daddy Big Bucks". Guiding is different because there are a limited number of guides and a guide can only take so many hunters in a season.

Scouting services can sell locations to an unlimited number of hunters and anyone could start their own service.

Plus the land management agencies can limit the number of outfitters, and where they work, on FS, BLM, State, etc. In other words its regulated.

Best to nip this one before it becomes more common.
Couldn't somebody go after these services for selling photographs taken on federal land without a commercial photography permit?
Buzz. I've always wondered. How is it that grazers pay for feed, loggers pay for trees, miners pay for minerals, drillers pay for oil, but outfitters/guides are just given as many animals as they can get clients for?

It sure is a sweet Buisness model, sell a product you paid nothing for at a 10,000x profit. I'd sure appreciate the public supplying my building materials at no cost.

I m also curious, because as you know one of these services is threatening a civil rights suit, why the states didn't just make them become guides, complete with the same fee and regulatory structure. Doubt many guys would pay a scout the same price as a fully outfitted hunt.
hossblur---Are you not aware that outfitters are controlled by the Feds and held to given territories that they have to stay within to run their business, as well as by licensing fees to outfit in that particular area? Under that territory structure they certainly aren't given as any animals as they can get for their clients like you mentioned.
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I fully support the bill. At some point lines in the sand must be drawn as technology advances. Fair chase can be eaten away one small bite at a time and with each bite valid justifications will be made until the point that people are remotely pulling the trigger on heat seeking 30 caliber live feed trail cams from their living rooms.
The crap that goes on in states that have copious amounts of auction tags is just insane in regards to this issue. Kudos to Montana law makers for trying to get in front of this issue. While I think the wording of the bill needs work I think the intent is spot on.
These services remind me of cheat codes in those old hunting video games that showed you where the animals were. Except that in addition to it being totally lame, it involves a limited public resource.

I do hope they are careful with the wording of the legislation so it is implemented smoothly.
hossblur---Are you not aware that outfitters are controlled by the Feds and held to given territories that they have to stay within to run their business, as well as by licensing fees to outfit in that particular area? Under that territory structure they certainly aren't given as any animals as they can get for their clients like you mentioned.

I do. Grazers ate limited to rotation areas. Loggers are limited to sell areas. They then pay on top of that
I do not have the time to read through the other forum linked, but I would be very interested in hearing the position of folks that support the operations described here. For the life of me, I cannot think of a reason why people would support these scouting services, unless they are the ones that own the business. Maybe it is just people who want the easy way out, they don't want to put in the work. Sorry, but hunting is about hard work, putting in the time, accepting challenges, knowledge of the land, etc.
Without desiring to give support for these types of businesses....

Simply offer the sale of co-ordinates specifically for purposes other than hunting.
I do not have the time to read through the other forum linked, but I would be very interested in hearing the position of folks that support the operations described here. For the life of me, I cannot think of a reason why people would support these scouting services, unless they are the ones that own the business. Maybe it is just people who want the easy way out, they don't want to put in the work. Sorry, but hunting is about hard work, putting in the time, accepting challenges, knowledge of the land, etc.

Amen Man! Just got word from jm77 that the Bill passed the third reading today on the floor 25-4, so it looks like a done deal.
I don't think there is a whole lot of difference philosophically between someone paying a guide to take them to a specific animal, and someone buying a specific animal's locations. I suppose the reason there is a stronger distaste for the latter as opposed to the former stems from possibilities we can imagine.

In conjunction with technology, I could imagine a website one would go to filled with hundreds of thumbnails of different bucks. Click on a buck you like, pay the site, and get all sorts of coordinates of past behavior as well as a live chat with an individual tasked with locating the current location of that animal who would notify you exactly where it is once they relocate it. That would be gross to me personally.

To clarify, I think that and paying a guide to take you to a specific animal is similar, and I don't think much of an argument could be made that there is a meaningful difference between the chit that goes on in the breaks for big rams and the website example above. I just think this is a good start.

So how many guides might be doing the same thing for their clients or have they always been pre-scouting?
There's a lot of people with more money than time, and their ethical or moral code is guided by the policy, the end justifies the means.
Pre season quality outfitters are scouting like mad. It's what they're hired to do... Get their client onto the elk, deer, etc.

A person stuck in the city or outside the majestic Rocky Mountain range or Alaska mystique has little to no ability to scout, etc. $ and off to the 7 day vacation - travel and hunt.

The best outfitters are as dialed in with aerial recon and guides get the bonus (+tips) to be set to fulfil their client's goal.
They pay $$$ for time they either don't have or would rather not use scouting.

Those wild *victory high five buck kills from a blind where the guides have names for the bucks... Same deal. Client is having coffee, driven to the blind, guide tells the client to pass on one because the bigger boy will be routing through soon after.

The internet sell location with pics is the exact same as gov bighorn Rams with endless $$$ to buy the tag... Guides dialed in on the big boy and the *tough gov tag holder hikes to the guide's location... Boom. Record ram!

"$$$ for nothin' the chicks for free"
Read where this bill passed today on the third reading ...24 -5 maybe ?

HB002 in Wyoming did pass 25-4 third reading.

I believe it has to go back to house of origin if there are amendments.

Even if the bill passes, which it looks like it will, all it does is give the commission the authority to set regulation regarding selling of specific information and other technologies. What those regulations look like in the end is where its going to matter, and where Wyoming Sportsmen better step up and be heard.

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