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Schmalts - Is this common in WI?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This dude needs to be killed. Hope this isn't a product of too much cheese and beer.

Just when you thought you had heard of everything, some sick bastard like this pops up.

Cheeses Christ!


Deer molester back behind bars
By Shelley Nelson, Superior Daily Telegram
Published Saturday, January 05, 2008

Superior, WI (AP) - A man convicted of having sex with a deer carcass in October 2006 will spend another nine months in jail.
Judge Michael Lucci handed down the sentence Friday during a reconfinement hearing.

Bryan James Hathaway, 21, had his probation revoked Dec. 11 for violations that include using alcohol and marijuana, lying to a probation agent, having contact with a minor child and sexual relations with another adult without agent approval.

Lucci also ordered six months behind bars in connection with a 2005 conviction for killing a horse. Hathaway told police he killed the animal in order to have sex with it.

The sentences run concurrently.

Hathaway had just been released from prison for the horse killing when the deer incident occurred. While Hathaway’s attorney, Frederic Anderson, sought a four-month sentence for the probation violations, Lucci noted this was not the first time probation was revoked in connection with the horse killing. He followed recommendations made by the District Attorney’s office.

Hathaway is currently appealing his conviction in connection with the deer incident. The appeal hinges on whether sex with a dead animal meets the criteria of law and whether statements made to a probation agent in front of a police officer influenced statements Hathaway made to the officer.

A decision by the 3rd District Court of Appeals could take six weeks to six months to be rendered.
Shelley Nelson can be reached at (715) 395-5022 or [email protected].
Grabbing and fondling are 2 different things. I know, I can get my wife to Grab me by the balls... but not fondle them... :(

Sorry it took me a while to reply, i had to finish what I was doing with a doe I shot today..... while it was still warm.:D
Yea, there are sikos everywhere but Big fin, are you being a hypocryt??
I mean you montana guys are plugging sheep all the time and a cheese head has an affair with a deer and it is like the end of the world:rolleyes:
Ok Schmalts, just wonderin'. Damn. Don't get your feathers ruffled. Get back to that doe, while she's still warm. :D

Yeah, the sheep deal is pretty well known out this way, so maybe me posting this clip seems hypocritcal. But you cheesers think you guys are above such things.

Now that the truth is coming out, who knows what we will hear about as the next Dairyland fetish. :eek:

You sure Larry Craig wasn't on his way to Madison or Milwaukee when he got busted in the Minneapolis airport? I'm suspicious now. :rolleyes:
thinkin this guy was a packer backer......or would that be a backer packer?hump
There are some seriously disturbed people out there. Better a dead animal than some innocent person though.
. Hope this isn't a product of too much cheese and beer.


It was the beer..
BTW, we had some old coot arrested last winter for stopping by a local dairy farm on his way home from the bar at night. I guess he did it a few times and they said he was plugging a calf or something like that.
BTW, we had some old coot arrested last winter for stopping by a local dairy farm on his way home from the bar at night. I guess he did it a few times and they said he was plugging a calf or something like that.

an honest mistake.
and sexual relations with another adult without agent approval.

I wonder how that works.

(3 in the Morning) Ring, Ring.... Hello?
Agent Wilson? It's me, Hathaway. I've met this girl tonight and....I'm real horny, ya know. I was wondering if I could....
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