Saw Something Pretty Cool

I dog-double-dare you to do what Gerald M. did and get a picture of the sow sticking her nose out of the den. :)

Very cool pictures. I hunt in grizzly country . . . but knock on wood . . . haven't had an encounter. Thanks for sharing.
A foraging black bear & her 3 cubs almost bumped into me (25 yards) opening day on an archery elk hunt years ago --- my pucker factor blew off the charts. Nothing, though, like what you guys get to experience up in the mountains with grizzlies! Those pics you took are pretty slick --- by the look of things, you think they'd be denned up already. BTW, you've got this Arizonan thinking "brrrr" on top of "bear" ...
Tim Manley, the bear bio up in the Kalispell area puts up some very cool pics of these bears denning up. He does flights for his collars to see who is denned up and who is still running around. Crazy how they walk up near the top of a mountain and then just dig a hole in frozen ground and rocks.

That would be cool to see, where does he post them?
I'm sure glad we don't have any grizzly's in NV and the few black bears we have are in a very small
corner of thje state. I wouldn't want to have to be looking over my shoulder all the time to make sure I'm
not the one being hunted.

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