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RMEF position on AZ HB 2072

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Looks like the folks at AZ SFW have built a pretty big moat in isolating themselves on HB 2072. Just got this from RMEF with the request to distribute.


You don't know how happy I am to see RMEF stand up for the common man and make a statement on this issue. Truly makes me proud to be a member.
Very nice to hear. I know that the AZ Elk Society opposed 2072 in its first go round. I've yet to hear anything from them so far. They had better still be opposed.
Very good!!! Since you are affiliated with RMEF now, how about getting them to also send a letter to ALL western states that are potentially seeing SFW trying to get a foothold in them, ie; NV, ID, MT as well as CO and others. This would put the legislative boards on alert. I have already written the govenor and NDOW board members with my feelings against SFW coming into the state.
Lets not wait till bills are introduced but start letting them know how we feel now! We should ALL be writeing our state senators and wildlife boards!
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This is great news. 190,000 members certainly carries some weight. I think I'll upgrade to a life member at this years banquet. Been wanting to do it for a while now.

It's being reported on Bowsite that Chris Denham and Floyd Green have resigned from AZSFW. If true, maybe things are starting to come apart...
LIfe Member and used to be very involved, been on the fence since the Dart years. Definitely what the RMEF needs, a strong position in support of the average hunter which make up their membership. Looks like they have a leader with backbone, who is not afraid to take a stand and put his name on it. Great to see. Kudos RMEF
I’ve tangled with the bastard RMEF negative nellie’s on before.

I’m still glad to be a life member!!!
Just made a random donation to RMEF in support of their national leadership on this issue. Sent NV's Regional Director an email expressing my appreciation as well.
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