RMEF and auction tags

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has made the decision to not accept any money from the sale of big game auction tags that they sell at the request of state agencies. All the money will be given back to the states. That includes returning/refusing the normal 5% to 15% selling fee most states allow.

I wonder if some of the other groups will follow that idea and make sure all the money is being put back on the ground for wildlife, conservation, and habitat.

Download the PDF announcement here - View attachment Big Game Tags.pdf

Big Game Tags_Page_1.jpg
Big Game Tags_Page_2.jpg
I would hope that this means that they will start getting more of these tags to broker than other groups...
I wonder if some of the other groups will follow that idea and make sure all the money is being put back on the ground for wildlife, conservation, and habitat.

HA............That's some funny stuff right there! Who knew Big Fin's a comedian?
I would hope that this means that they will start getting more of these tags to broker than other groups...

Maybe, but unlikely.

At a minimum, it seems the states now have some footing to ask the same of other groups who are selling tags for them. Afterall, isn't the entire purpose to use these tags, sparingly, and benefit the bigger picture of conservation that the groups are charged with?

I have advocated that groups need to raise their own money for operations. Money from these tags needs to go back on the ground, making a difference for wildlife, and hopefully showing the average hunter that if used sparingly and with proper accountability and transparency, these tags can benefit all hunters, not just those in a position to purchase the tag.
This will surely make RMEF the organization of choice to sell tags for the state agencies.

As Randy stated, the SOLE purpose of these auction tags are to raise funds for the purpose of wildlife conversvation. It's the only reason we have them or should have them.
Maybe, but unlikely.

At a minimum, it seems the states now have some footing to ask the same of other groups who are selling tags for them. Afterall, isn't the entire purpose to use these tags, sparingly, and benefit the bigger picture of conservation that the groups are charged with?

I have advocated that groups need to raise their own money for operations. Money from these tags needs to go back on the ground, making a difference for wildlife, and hopefully showing the average hunter that if used sparingly and with proper accountability and transparency, these tags can benefit all hunters, not just those in a position to purchase the tag.
Agree completely and why I hope RMEF gets the chance to broker more tags for the state. From a purely business standpoint it seems to better to not have to pay a 5-15% "commission" for the sale of something than to pay it. Assuming RMEF can get the same amount of money for the tag, which I fully expect they can.

There are plenty on this website that work with state and national groups in selling/raffling tags. I'd be curious to know how much their orgs keep? If only for comparative purposes...
Great job RMEF. Nice to see you guys always setting the most ethical standard. Gonna be hard for some of these other groups to give up that "Greedy" money they have been so used to so they can follow suit. This is going to be interesting....