Removing Rust from SS barrel


Jan 28, 2010
Arizona by North Dakota
I was in AK and needless to say it rained for 7 days. I have the Winchester Model 70 Extreame Weather that has a stainless steel barrel. I have rust that developed on the gun, where the scope ring bases sat. Any suggestions on how to remove the rust from the barrel. I saw on another site that they suggested using Flitz metal polish.
A light touch with some very fine steel wool has always worked for me
I used this youtube video to get some ideas for cleaning an old Remington 34 that had some rust on the barrel.

Ended up using Simple Green instead of Hoppes because that what I had on hand. Used the 0000 steel wool (got it from Walmart like the video said) and the rust came off great without removing the bluing but since you have stainless removing the bluing shouldn't be a concern. One thing I did do that wasn't done in the video was to shoot some air from my compressor on the gun after using the solvent and then oil to try and remove any loose steel wool particles....Synthetic scotch brite pads might be a better idea than the steel wool to prevent small particles from gathering and rusting again...