Rand Paul & the Transfer & sale of Public Lands.

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Apparently, Senator Paul is taking the transfer of public lands issue to his state of Kentucky.

Not surprised. Rand Paul is consistently against federal public lands. He's part of the libertarian contingent. Whatever outcome he wants from this hearing will probably happen.
Interesting, I wish they would have elaborated on his position. In my lifetime, I've only seen 1 trustworthy congressman and 1 trustworthy senator. Both had last names of Paul.
Interesting, I wish they would have elaborated on his position. In my lifetime, I've only seen 1 trustworthy congressman and 1 trustworthy senator. Both had last names of Paul.

"I'd either sell or turn over all the land management to the states," Paul, a Republican presidential candidate and senator from Kentucky, said, landing him big applause at a campaign event. "I don't think the federal government needs to be involved."
Interesting as well, Kentucky has such a small public land footprint. I wonder if he just garnering support from states rights ppl, or if more nefarious resource grabbing is going on.

"I'd either sell or turn over all the land management to the states," Paul, a Republican presidential candidate and senator from Kentucky, said, landing him big applause at a campaign event. "I don't think the federal government needs to be involved."
I mean 700,000 acres is nothing to sneeze at...
Maybe Rand should reach out to him, he might be able to borrow a bit and actually accomplish something
That was my way of adding humor and disagreeing. IMO thank god there is a principled person left in politics. Also IMO if we left it up to mainstream R's and D's, we would all be card carrying socialists.
That was my way of adding humor and disagreeing. IMO thank god there is a principled person left in politics. Also IMO if we left it up to mainstream R's and D's, we would all be card carrying socialists.

I mean, Rand is principled, I won't disagree with you there (although IMO he has proven to be more cynical and opportunistic than his father). For a short time I was into libertarianism until I realized Woke Capitalism had as much potential for totalitarianism and religious persecution as socialism.

Anyway, Rand's principles, when it comes to federal land, are not my principles and I don't think he is a friend to the public land hunter. Not only that, but I thinks it's ridiculous to compare wildlife to domesticated chickens and cattle, as he has done before. But at least you know what you are getting with him, I guess.

If you like Rand and want to keep supporting him, at least voice your displeasure at his federal public land policy...if you value federal public lands. There are principled Republicans I have voted for and still criticized their positions on certain issues.

Side note, are there elk in the Daniel Boone NF? Just wondering where most of the 10000+ elk live.
That was my way of adding humor and disagreeing. IMO thank god there is a principled person left in politics. Also IMO if we left it up to mainstream R's and D's, we would all be card carrying socialists.
You say that like you don't like driving on roads? Principled isn't necessarily a good trait. I'd rather have someone who changes views based on new info in order to achieve the best outcome than someone who is strictly "Principled" to an idea.
I used to fancy myself a libertarian until public lands and conservation of wildlife became a topic I decided to invest myself into heavily. In speaking with the staunchest An-caps, who believe anything and everything that has value will be safeguarded by privatization, including wildlife, I found I couldn't consider myself on that team.

Though I didn't change any minds with tales of market hunting at the turn of the last century, I had managed, at least, to stump their political philosophy with migratory waterfowl, a valuable resource which cannot be contained on anyone's private property.

I still like Rand for a lot of small government policies, but I'd fight him tooth and nail in the streets over public transfer.
I didn't hear about this until this morning, and I've communicated with his office on the issue. Not surprising that they wouldn't reach out to me as a "stakeholder" considering my views and his don't align. This is certainly a land-grab effort by developers who want greater access to the upper parts of Lake Cumberland and highway frontage through the Daniel Boone.

The only good thing is that Rand has proven himself to be one of the least effective legislators in the upper chamber, comparable to Bernie Sanders. Seems that when you're inflexible in your principles you don't make many friends.

There was a question about elk, some of them live in the Daniel Boone, but in the Redbird district (the big red blob to the east of the main, linear tract in the photo posted above). But mostly, they're on reclaimed coal sites further east.

There's also a bunch in the west of Kentucky who agitate about having LBL (Land Between the Lakes) returned to the descendants of those who were displaced, but I don't think they mean the Shawnee.
You say that like you don't like driving on roads? Principled isn't necessarily a good trait. I'd rather have someone who changes views based on new info in order to achieve the best outcome than someone who is strictly "Principled" to an idea.
I think about his father and the fact Congress called him Dr. No. That still gives me the warm and fuzzies. They called him that because he would vote no on any spending bills. Imagine if the rest of Congress would have adopted Dr. Paul's stance on spending. Pretty good chance we would not be 20 trillion in debt right now. I also think the Paul's understand that there really is only one principal to follow, all the rest fall in neatly behind it. The freedom and rights of the individual. I don't think the Libertarian party can make an realistic run at the presidency and both Paul's realized that, hence them joining the dark side for the platform benefits. I still wonder about the favors the Paul's have done for Mitt, alienating some of their base. I don't think we have seen the return favors play out yet.
No we don’t have near as much federal lands out here in the east but that is what makes them even more important to us who live over this way. All federal lands are important and should stay in federal hands but if we lost what little public lands we have here in the east it would be devastating.

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