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R.M.E.F. Whats Your Thoughts

Well for sure I got some opionions,I agree the R.M.E.F. shouldn't get involved in tag allocations. But would it kill them to speak up to the different states and look at our point off view ? Like I said before theres a ton of money coming from the east to help fund projects it would be nice to think that they appreciated it enough to speck up. Like I said before if I lived in Colarado or anywhere else out west I wouldn't give a hoot about how many licenses they took away from a non-residents chances of getting drawn,I would look at it like now Ive gotten a better chance. But living in Ohio I see my chances fading every year. WWWWWWWhich is all right I have the right to move like anyone else. And to say I don't like to support R.M.E.F. and wildlife unless I can hunt them or better yet I should resign my position from the R.M.E.F. Now lets see last night was banquite night we had four guys quite that left four guys and there wifes to put it on, at nights evening end we grossed $18,600.00 not alot but after bills are paid theres some for a needed project some where out west . I love wildlife as much as anyone else I feed the birds in the winter and the mosquitoes in the summer and your darn right I want to hunt them ! Now after all the argueing you know whats scary some where out there there was a banquite of tree huggers planning on how even you Bambistew won't beable to hunt them. Have a good day !

I still stick with my original comment. Most non-hunters see little difference betwen hunting in Africa and what's happening in Utah. To them, it's a guy spending a lot of money to shoot an animal. Period!

So how many of those organizations do you help out with the fundraisers on Buzz?

And for those of you who say "if you don't like it, move to an elk state" don't get mad at them when they take you up it!

Last I could hunt elk in at least 2 states EVERY YEAR with OTC licenses.

In other states, I'd say at least 50-50 odds...or every other year.

Wyoming gives 25% of all available licenses to NR, MT gives 11,500, OTC in Idaho, OTC in Colorado.

I think you need to quit whining and start hunting.

BHR, who cares what Non-hunters think...this issue is a hunting issue that needs to be decided by hunters and how they want their tags allocated.

Keep it context, on the issue of tag allocations the RMEF should keep their yaps shut.

Non-hunters dont care one way or the other how tags are allocated, so I'd say its pretty much up to hunters to decide that...not non-hunters, not the RMEF.

If Bill, or you or I want to complain about the tag allocations as an individual hunter, fine with me. But the RMEF has no business complaining about that issue.

I agree it's up to the hunting community to decide on tag allocation. But if RMEF wants to facilitate the discussion on it through say a thought provocing article in their magazine, is that wrong? They discuss ethics, oil exploration in the West, developement, preditor issues, road density issues due to logging, domestic grazing issues, ect....are these topics taboo in your opinion as well? There all political and all relevent to the future of elk and elk hunting. So I would encourage the debate. Bill brought it up for discussion in a reasonable manner and you and Bambi unloaded both barrels on him.

I discussed the issue as well, and if it hurt Bills feelings...too bad. I stated my thoughts on it, and thoughts on who I think should decide these types of issues. I doubt Bill is losing sleep or crying over my comments.

Colorado is still very generous to NR hunters by offering OTC hunts. The state just wants to bring tag allocations in line with a 75-25ish split in hard to draw units. I dont have a problem with that.

I dont care if the RMEF draws attention to the issue, but they shouldnt form an opinion and take a side. Its an issue that needs to be decided by hunters, in particular the hunters of the state in question.
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