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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
So, I've been down to 2 cigs a day for a couple of weeks and the past couple of days I've been doing ok with just my morning coffee and wake up smoke. I guess it's time. There are 6 or 7 left in this pack and when they're gone I just won't buy anymore. And it all started 2 yrs ago when a friend gave me an E-Cig for my birthday....

Now, I have to figure out how to kick the E-Cigs !
Im with you on this one. I quit for 3 months over the winter. Also worked out everyday and changed my diet. But like a dumb ass I started smoking again. Funny I read this today because I came into work early and only had three cigs with me. I had the last one at 4 am and told myself thats it. Good luck to you gunner.
Pulling for both you gents. The woods will smell better, your taste buds will feel more alive than ever, and the work to get to the top of the ridge should be less strenuous. Finish strong. .
So glad I never smoked in the first place. If I am as vulnerable to them as I am to Asian girls, I'd be in some serious bad shape by now!
I know it is not smoking, but I was a two-can-a-day dipper (Kodiak) for several years. I decided I wanted to quit and did it cold turkey in September 2012. It was tough. The first week is probably the worst, at least for me. I basically had the shakes and everything I was so nicotine dependent. I'm still tobacco free and I can't describe how good you will feel without it. Good luck to you fellas, you'll get through it. You just have to have an iron will and be stubborn about it.
Watched my brother succumb to COPD at 64 yrs old, heavy smoker to a cold turkey halt at 42....nasty insidious poisonous habit.
Best of luck. I've been off Copenhagen for 7 years. Best decision I have ever made. Stay strong.
Best of luck. I've been off Copenhagen for 7 years. Best decision I have ever made. Stay strong.

07/22/2006 I woke up(with a wicked hang over just to chew) and thought this is just plain stupid. I said no more, gave the can to my wife and stuck to it.

As far as I'm concerned there is no such thing as being half a smoker or chewer, if you touch it you are still addicted, cold turkey is the only way.

Certainly the best thing(probably the smartest) I ever did for myself.
I'm with you, Gunner. I'm having a hell of a time trying to quit. I went and got a nice super dooper expensive e cig and use the hell out of it, but it's just not the same satisfaction as a real cig.
I quit 4 years ago, went from about 3 packs a day in April, slowly started cutting down, got down to less than a pack a day by September, then just quit cold turkey, I carried 3 packs around in the arm rest on my truck for 3 years, and finally threw them out last year.
you can do it, but I would forget the E-Cigarette too.

You will think that you are Superman climbing Mountains if you quit. I sure did.

07/22/2006 I woke up(with a wicked hang over just to chew) and thought this is just plain stupid. I said no more, gave the can to my wife and stuck to it.

As far as I'm concerned there is no such thing as being half a smoker or chewer, if you touch it you are still addicted, cold turkey is the only way.

Certainly the best thing(probably the smartest) I ever did for myself.

Nice work.
I quit chewing cold turkey in 1998. I still have occasional cravings. You just gotta remember if you start again, even just one, your gonna have to quit again and go through that first few days, week, months all over again, and that would suck.
John, I was at 2 packs a day about 3 months ago. I started going on an hour based schedule. 4 hrs between cigs, next week 4 1/2 hrs......hit some plateaus along the way, but didn't smoke more, just stayed at that hour increment for a few extra days. Used the E cig in between when the cravings got to me.

Also started with the strongest liquid (2.4) and am now stepping down with that too. Yeah, it's taken me 100+ days, but it's worked, when nothing else has.
I was at 3 pks/day when I quit, cold turkey in 1989. Have not touched a cigarette since. I just got fed up with it. I got (asked) for all the support I could find, family, friends, co-workers, even fellow smokers trying to quit. I explained why and what I was trying to do. It really helped. I never realized how much time I wasted smoking and keeping busy with extra time was the hardest part after the cravings started to lessen (abt 1-2 wks). It turned out to be pretty much a total life style change. Not bragging, just stating that this is what worked for me. These days I try to be as supportive as I can to "anyone" I meet who is trying to quit. John, when it gets rough, talk to gf, frnds, anyone who will listen. It makes it much easier. I hope the best for all of you who are trying to quit.
OK, I'm down to my, wait a sec, pfffftttt, last cig. Pfffttttt. Almost, pfffft, gone. 41 yr, pffffttt, habit. This is good, pfffftttt, for me, pfffttttt, right?
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