Predator Death Spiral…

Holds true in R2 Montana

After 4 years of Elk Study and Lion DNA study the wildlife manager (Thompson) decides it's a good idea to increase the Lion population in the Bitterroot and the commission just approved this great idea! For sure a death spiral in the Bitterroot.
I suppose he has to think of something to blame for declining mule deer populations in the west, predators make a good scape goat, the science be damned. There are volumes and volumes of data over the decades on predator/prey relationships and ungulate population dynamics, and less than a handfull make the claims that predation on mule deer is addative. Even those that do, qualify the events that need to occur for addative predation: it has to do with habitat. It always comes down to habitat. When I say habitat, I'm not just talking about plenty of food to eat, but the entire ecosystem that comprises that habitat from the symbiotic relationships with soil fungus/bacteria and the flora to the bacteria in the deers stomach.

There is something wrong on the mountain, and those who are looking into it are being shunned by the game agencies across the west, or those same agencies are moving at a snails pace to investigate. It's a shame that articles like the above are taken to heart by so many hunters who really don't know any better, since they don't have the right information to fully understand what may be going on. Hopefully, in the near future more ears will perk up and listen to what is being found in the critters habitat world. One can only hope...
In idaho he have built housing developments all over historical wintering areas. Now we can't figure out where the deer and elk have gone. It's the predators alright, us. (others too)
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