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Prayers for family and friends today.

As a LEO I have been to a number of accidents like this. You have to have faith because there is no way to make sense of such a horrible loss.
Prayers sent,
My dad is a firefighter and was one of the ones removing the boys from the truck. Pretty tough on him. Fortunately he is a man of faith so that does help
As a LEO I have been to a number of accidents like this. You have to have faith because there is no way to make sense of such a horrible loss.
Prayers sent,
@Dan O

My work has me on the highway more than many folks and I've seen too many. I'm always amazed at the professionalism of the LEOs and I wonder how they do it day after day. Thank you Dan for what you do.
I normally don’t do anything like this but it is somewhat hunting related so I will. 5 young boys I knew very well were headed out duck hunting this morning and were involved in a wreck that killed 2 of them. One of the ones who died was my 3rd cousin and the other one was a customer of mine at the shop who I had just had a conversation a couple weeks ago with about duck hunting on the spot they were headed to this morning. If you believe in prayer please pray for these families and friends of these boys. This is not a good way to start a new year after the one we just had. I’ll be honest I’m kinda crushed about. They were good kids out doing what we all love and I’m having a hard time understanding why this stuff happens.

That is just awful. Prayers for everyone.
I’ve had several family members perish in auto accidents including my uncle whom got me interested in the outdoors. So many of us drive such long distances to do what we enjoy. I hate driving, but put two times the national average in the odometer every year.
Prayers sent. Stay vigilant out there HuntTalk.
Sorry to hear this news, prayers offered.

I've driven Highway 218 many times when going down East and it is a crooked piece of pavement with lots of hills and requires your undivided attention from end to end. It's a dangerous road and due to Union County's congestion along US 74 has become a favored bypass road. I've recently gone to using the toll road, well worth the eight dollar round trip fee.
@geetar I’m really sorry to hear what you guys are going through. You’ll be in my prayers!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(The words of Jesus in John 16:33)
@geetar I’m really sorry to hear what you guys are going through. You’ll be in my prayers!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(The words of Jesus in John 16:33)
I love that verse. Thank you!

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