Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Prayer for my Dad


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
I just got back home from Toledo. My Dad had a serious surgey removing a tumor from his brain. It was cancerous and they did not get it all. I wished that I could have stayed longer but I have my 2nd job interview this in the morning with another Monday. So we came home.
He was doing pretty good when I left him considering what happened. He knew who I was (He did not remember my sister's name though) and that I lived away from him. But he had problems with mixing up what things were called. He was frustrated with it all and also about what all was going to change.

So please say a prayer for him if you can.
Prayers sent!! My mom had a cancerous brain tumor removed about 4-5 months ago. The recovery can be a little slow paced, but with time he should get back to some normality! Good luck to your dad, I know its hard, bt dont give up and keep the faith!
Hey Nut,
It's been a week now and have been keeping the prayers heading his way. Also keeping you and your family in prayers that the job you want comes through and all continues good for your family.
Is there any kind of treatment they can follow up with on your Father there?
DixieLady and Hambone