
Post Rut Question


New member
Aug 28, 2002
The rut here seems to be over and like every year here it seemed to come and go with little action. What suggestions do you have for post rut bucks? Also, I saw a very nice 10 point a week before the rut bedding in the woods near me. On one occasion I saw 4 different bucks and on another 2 more bucks in this same bedding area. Would you expect to see these bucks in this same area now that the rut has wound down? The odd thing about this particular place is that while I did see a number of bucks I have not seen many does in this area.
Those bucks very well cpuld be in the same is worth a look see anyway

For post rut bucks........this time of year, after they have been hunted for most of the fall(at least it is that way here in PA) Look for feeding areas in or around heavy cover. The thicker the better. The kind of stuff that everyone else walks around LOL Find a place that is ignored like that and I'd bet you find a buck.
I can't really help you man since I don't hunt after the rut, so I just wanted to say good luck the next time you make it out.
I have read all sorts of articles on how good the post rut can be and all the late season biggo bucks they kill but I'll be honest I really struggle for any size buck after the rut. I am usually lost after the rut. I hunt thick stuff all the time so that doesn't help me.
I appreciate the input...I am normally at a loss this time of year too but I have 2 doe tags left. We will see.
I have had good luck with the grunt snort wheeze call made by madd calls. (no, I dont get paid by them
The only thing is EVERYTHING except a mature
buck will leave the area at a run.
I would try it from downwind of the area you described.

Whatever comes to the call will circle downwind just like when you rattle, but the ears will be laid back and the neck hairs bristled up.

Go get'em!