Polyester on top of wool


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Sorry to beat a dead horse, or a dead elk as it were, but I found out the hard way last year about how bad polyester stinks after just one day. This is my second year bow hunting and I'm doing another backcountry trip with my brother. After last years smell-athon, I bought some merino wool boxers and t-shirts after hearing such positive reviews. I know cotton is the enemy, but what do you guys think of wearing polyester over the wool. I've spent a lot of money this year already to prepare for the hunt, and it seems that since the layers over the wool aren't in direct contact with nastiest parts of the human body, the smell won't be much if at all. I'd prefer not to buy wool everything if it's not necessary and just use the polyester long underwear and overshirt that I already have. What is you guys opinion on this? Thanks.
Good question IMO. You're probably fine going poly over wool unless you really get sweaty and soak through enough to activate the perma funk that a lot of poly gets.
I have some success with fleece over wool, but after a few days it still stinks. The good thing about fleece though is with a little bit of soap you can scrub it clean pretty quick and it dries really fast.
In my opinion b.o. in outer layers is the onky thing that scent killer is good for. I use a merino base layer with a synthetic layer over top and rotate each. That way they have a day to air out in between and my outer layer/layers don't smell as bad. At the end of the day I spray base layers down with scent killer and let them air out and usually spray them again the next evening and then the stink is usually non existent or at a minimum. Usually for me, after the third rotation it still stinks though.
Polygiene really helps synthetic clothing not smell not quite as bad, the Sitka base layers have it and I have had it for over a year in the pads on my cycling helmet and it really helps.

I remember when technical clothing first became really popular while I was running in college and we instituted a rule of you can't run in a group if you are on your 3rd day wearing the same top because they would smell so bad even to college guys.
Nathan Sportwash, which is available on Amazon, will get the perma-funk out of your synthetic clothes. Not sure if it has UV brighteners, but it works great. First time we used it it took three years of funk out of synthetic cycling gear. I highly recommend it.
Wonder if it will work on my workout shorts?

I figure that when I can smell myself everyone and everything else can too so it's time for some bathing and/or a change of clothes.
It does work on your workout gear. It was specifically designed for that stuff and it is 10x better than standard detergent. Like Big Sky Dreamin, I don't know about the UV brighteners, but I use it on all of my running, cycling, and crossfit clothes and they smell great.
Synthetic garments usually dry pretty fast. I'd invest in a few clothes pins, and wash out my garments in a creek, and have them clean & dry for the next day.

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