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Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
Just a little poll that I would like to take:

How old were you when you shot your first bull??

How big was he??

What did you shoot him with??

What state did you shoot him in??

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him??
How old were you when you shot your first bull?? 38

How big was he?? spike

What did you shoot him with?? 30-06

What state did you shoot him in?? Wyoming

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him?? no
How old were you when you shot your first bull?? 20...ish ?~?~?

How big was he?? 3 point raggy...

What did you shoot him with??.270

What state did you shoot him in?? IDAHO

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him??

My age: 38
Size: 6x6 263 3/5 P&Y
weapon: Martin Pride, 65 lbs
state shot: Very excited [Mt]
Pics: Will come when I get the return e-mail fixed...... :D
Just a little poll that I would like to take:

How old were you when you shot your first bull?? 28, my first year elk hunting

How big was he?? spike (18")

What did you shoot him with?? 300 WinMag

What state did you shoot him in?? Wyoming

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him?? yep, but not hosted
First bull was a 5-point, shot with a 30/06, 14 years old, Montana, and yep I have pics.
I have never shot a bull, but there's a local guy here who has so I'm filling this in for him:

How old were you when you shot your first bull?? 23

How big was he?? About 2000 pounds on the hoof

What did you shoot him with?? .300 Win Mag

What state did you shoot him in?? Drunken

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him?? No, that would be considered evidence and the farmer is still trying to find out who shot his bull. Sure would have liked to have gotten some steaks, though.

First Bull: rag 5x5

Age: 17


.308 win

Yeah I have pics but I have to find them.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-11-2002 17:57: Message edited by: Boman ]</font>
How old were you when you shot your first bull?? 38

How big was he?? About 5'8" and 800 pounds

What did you shoot him with?? A rifle

What state did you shoot him in?? Arizona

And last but not least..Do you have any pictures of him?? Yes

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