Poker Anyone?

Hey Gato.. Last might I started going down... then this morning..

Dealer: frenchy75 has a pair of Fives
Dealer: MoosieID has a pair of Sevens
Dealer: Game #1349363828: MoosieID wins pot (14800) with a pair of Sevens
frenchy75: I suck at this game
frenchy75: Need to read poker for dummys
Dealer: frenchy75 has a pair of Jacks
Dealer: MCBaseball31 has two pair, Jacks and Fours
MoosieID: I folded a Jack :)
Dealer: Game #1349367763: MCBaseball31 wins pot (3800) with two pair, Jacks and Fours
Dealer: TJN19 will be allowed to play after the button
Dealer: Game #1349371252: MoosieID wins pot (3200)
Dealer: Game #1349374783: MCBaseball31 wins pot (800)
MoosieID: easy come....
MoosieID: easy go
frenchy75: yep
Dealer: frenchy75 has two pair, Kings and Eights
Dealer: MoosieID has a full house, Eights full of Sixes
Dealer: Game #1349377669: MoosieID wins side pot (3400) with a full house, Eights full of Sixes
Dealer: Game #1349377669: MoosieID wins main pot (20400) with a full house, Eights full of Sixes
And I got my A$$ slapped . Holding a Jacks over Kings Full House and LOST!!! to 4 of a kind!!! :BLEEP: Four Kings to boot........ :MAD |oo
Cameron came in last night.... He didn't fair so well :p

lol.. last night after Gato left I went from like 3-4k up to 14k over the 1/2 hour.. then over the next hour Iwent down to <2k :( I lost big on a hand with the Flop 8,9,10 or Hearts when I had the A,j or hearts. I thought no way would I loose. next 2 cards were 7's and the guy going toe to toe had a 7,8 off suit. What the Fugg ? I went from an Unbeatable hand with the 4th street and River loosingto a Cheap off suit hold. But, thats whey It's gambling :D

I then Tried the Big boys table and Played conservativley and those 1-2k bets always scared me. I lost 8k twice pretty for the Night I was down like 16k. Today in 1/2 hour I was up 54k and some Change. I bailed out while it was good :D
Went into the 100/200 fixed tables. Second hand pulled aces and eights. 2K. a couple hands later King high straight flush. FINALLY!!! 12K. Bailed....... sitting on 40K+.
gunner46... after all these days we've yetto hook up on a table ..... What the chuck ?

Wanna set a Date for Next Sunday sometime ? I have all day sunday to myself..... we can Hijack a table and keep it all to ourselves with 9 Hutntalkers :)
Lemme know.. NExt Sunday GAme on ;)

I'm going to see if anyones on.. Might be on for a few mins if someone wants to find me. I'll move tables if ya want.....
So I was trash talking hard..... And guess what. Remember that 2 Aces you hit Gato. with a pocket Aces ? Then see the Following play. I did 2 back to back all in's |oo |oo

Read this ....

MoosieID: ohh well
PokerKinggg: 299!!!!!!!!!!!
MoosieID: is 4 aces good ?
antman133: lol
Dealer: jarheadsix has two pair, Aces and Queens
Dealer: MoosieID has four of a kind, Aces
PokerKinggg: wowzerz
MoosieID: hope so
Dealer: Game #1369778660: MoosieID wins pot (39098) with four of a kind, Aces
jarheadsix: vnh
MoosieID: thanx
antman133: nh moosie
PokerKinggg: wooooooooowwwwwzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
caron51: nice
MoosieID: I'[d like to thanx my mom
PokerKinggg: nice hand to go all in on
MoosieID: And my dad
MoosieID: and everyone that put up with me tonight
PokerKinggg: *cough* i believe yer forgeting someone
PokerKinggg: oh nvm im slow haha
MoosieID: And poker.. my new pal :)
PokerKinggg: =)
MoosieID: and Sleezy
MoosieID: who jsut gave me more money
MoosieID: UHHhh
PokerKinggg: 8uh oh
MoosieID: Y not eh ?
Dealer: sleezyE has two pair, Kings and Tens
MoosieID: NOoooooooooooooooooooooo
Dealer: Game #1369782792: sleezyE wins pot (79196) with two pair, Kings and Tens
PokerKinggg: oh noes
MoosieID: K and 5 :)
PokerKinggg: hero to zero i believe its called ;)
MoosieID: LOL KIng
MoosieID: I should have left on a good note
you had pocket aces back to back.....thats incredible. I think the odds they will win is 51% of the time.
Had a guy come in a room last night at 3am... Ok, it was a late night , I'm not addicted, LAst hand right !!!! ;) And laid 45k down on his first bet when a guy Prior laid some High coins down.....

I had the A,k.. and thought, this fuggers Bluffing !!! so.... I matched. other guy bailed and check this out,

Dude had a 7,J Off suit TOTALLY trying to buy the table.....with 45k ? G-sus....

.....and hit the 8,9,10.... I Also a A came up on the Flop..... the 9 on the river....Can you belive that. |oo |oo Caluculate the Odds on that !!!! Subsiquently ... I'm playing the $5/$10 tables now ... FUG !

Next hand a Dude went toe toe toe with him and Won with like a "J" high and the dude left.....

thats why it's gambling......:MAD .... :BLEEP:.............. I give up.. =W

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