Pictures of the Minutemaids


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Look at the belly on this one.... :eek:
Houstonian Bill Breaux is one of 200 volunteers watching a 23-mile stretch of the Arizona-Mexico border, hoping to halt immigrants attempting to cross illegally.

Simcox and his co-organizer, Jim Gilchrist, a retired accountant from Aliso Viejo, Calif., said the project is strictly about law and order and they have nothing against legal immigration.

However, some of the volunteers who manned the watch posts said they came to the border because they are concerned about the effect immigrants have on American society.

"There is a real problem with assimilation," said Breaux, the Houstonian. "Around Houston there are a lot of people who won't carry American or Texas flags on their car. Instead they carry a flag from El Salvador or Mexico."

Volunteer Chad Robinson, 50, of Phoenix, said he is worried about diseases that he says immigrants bring.
So what? He's a fat fugger...perfect for the job of sitting around and observing illegal activity. Who cares what he looks like....he's doing the job that our government should be doing and he's doing it for free! I'd be right down there with him if I could.
Let's see 1 out of 250 = 0.4% of the minutemen are fat (unless of course JQ/EG/YRH has more photos he/she is holding back).
Elkgunner is busy searching the internet for pics of fat guys to enlighten us with...ho hum.

Why isn't there some sort of 12-step program for people who can't stop using the copy/paste function on their computer?
AprilW- I believe Ten Bears asked for more pictures...not sure why, but he did ask.

I say, please don't post any more of those pictures.
TB quote: "Let's see 1 out of 250 = 0.4% of the minutemen are fat (unless of course JQ/EG/YRH has more photos he/she is holding back)."
Doesn't look like any request to me. But it doeslook like he may be up to 3 or 4 out of 250 = 1.2% or 1.6% being over weight, but like WH says, perfect condition for sitting and watching.
Hey drunk mexican , surely you can find a pic of a minuteman on a ATV, then you would have something to really bich about

Ten Bears,

Stop requesting those pics!

The AP must have run out of articles on Minutemen for Elkgunner to cut and paste, now he is left with posting pics he likes. Please don't encourage this.
Actually that is funny, holding a spotting scope up by the tripod. :D

But I don't think it's right to make fun of somebody who is volunteering his time in an attempt to help out this country.
I feel safe that these minute men are protecting our border. I can outrun them.