Pending Sale of Buffalo Ranches in Arizona


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
These are copies of an exchange of email between me and a State Representative, Jack Harper. I believe this clearly indicates the intent to sell House Rock and Raymond Ranches, and all of the aircraft currently owned by Game and Fish and use the monies generated from those sales for other purposes. If you live in Arizona and you care, please send and email, telegram, phone message, etc. to all of the state reps and senators expressing your anger at what is being done.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana Shinn [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 8:34 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Pending sale of Raymond and House Rock Ranches
Gentlemen, It has been brought to my attention that there is a bill pending
before the legislature and sponsored by the four of you that would require
the sale of both Raymond and House Rock Ranches by the AZ G&F Department. I
am curious about the motivation behind such a bill. I am acutely aware of
the fiscal issues facing the state. I understand that sacrifices are
needed. Some are justified.
I am curious about the reasons that House Rock and Raymond Ranches are
earmarked for sale, and the intended use of the resulting funds. Can you
please foward some description of the analytical process used to determine
that these properties should be sold and the planned application of the
resulting monies?
I appreciate your efforts.
Dana J. Shinn
6415 E. Encanto St.
Mesa AZ 85205

From: Jack Harper
To: 'Dana Shinn'
Subject: RE: Pending sale of Raymond and House Rock Ranches
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 09:22:55 -0700
Thank you, Dana. Some things are not the original intention of government.
Operating buffalo ranches qualifies for this. So does having five planes in
the air counting sheep and elk. Game and fish should issue more permits.
There are plenty of elk and I believe the swept funds could be recovered
with more permits.
Mr. Harper, Thank you for your quick and frank response. I would like to point out that doing a task without the proper tools is a difficult job. The aircraft used for taking the annual census are essentials tools for that task. Without them we would be back to foot observations. I don't believe that the AZGF has enough people with enough eyes to do the job as well as they have in the past, using aircraft.

Your response regarding the ranches indicates that you don't believe that they fall within the purview of State responsibility. This may be true. Your failure to provide a direct response regarding the plans for the funds from the pending sales answers another question. The ranches were not puchased with monies from the general fund, and I frankly find the use of monies gleaned from the sale less than honest and forthright.

I do not believe that the issuing of more tags to more hunters is the answer. The reason that Arizona hunting is as desirable as it is is because of the policies of controlled hunting that have been enacted by the AZGF. I don't believe that more tags will do anything but reduce hunting in Arizona to less than acceptable conditions and reduced herd levels.

Seems to me that G&F is being sacrificed again to help get other less than efficiently run agencies out of the bucket. I find this unacceptable. I'm not as influential as I have been in the past, but will do what I can to dissuade this action.



If you have any influence or pull, jump in.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-06-2003 10:30: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thank you, Dana. Some things are not the original intention of government.
Operating buffalo ranches qualifies for this. So does having five planes in
the air counting sheep and elk. Game and fish should issue more permits.
There are plenty of elk and I believe the swept funds could be recovered
with more permits.

Yup looks like Harper is a definate idiot.... He will make a good addition to the rest of the nutcase's in the office that have no clue to what they are doing....

I think this asshole needs to go back to CA. as well.....

Wana bet he is an anti hunter

But theres more

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rep.-elect Jack Harper leaps ahead of the PAC

Dec. 22, 2002

Political Insider is a tongue-in-cheek look at the past week in Arizona politics.

Rep.-elect Jack Harper hasn't yet taken his oath of office, but he's already learning the fine art of shaking down lobbyists for cash.

What's odd is that Harper, R-Sun City West, was a publicly funded Clean Elections candidate, so theoretically he needs no cash. For a political neophyte, Harper found a pretty slick way around that thorny detail after his November upset of Sen. Ed Cirillo. In the past week, lobbyists have been receiving a letter from Harper strongly encouraging them to make "a common-sense" donation to his new political action committee, the Conservative Express PAC.

Harper helpfully informed his potential donors that his PAC is "not a candidate's campaign committee and therefore there is no limit to the amount of support you may give." Harper says the committee will be used to fund get-out-the-vote efforts.

It's apparently never too early to start getting out the vote, even if the election just ended a few weeks ago and the next one won't happen for two years.

Later in the letter, Harper says CEPAC will be sponsoring events and fund-raisers with legislative guests and guest speakers. All part of getting out the vote, no doubt.

Harper said he plans to spend money from the committee outside his district on voter registration drives. He added that he is still a big believer in Clean Elections.

"I'm not trying to skirt the law," Harper said.

Harper appears to be on solid legal footing. Except for one small point. Before lobbyists mail off a blank check, they should remember that there actually is a limit to contributions, despite Harper' giddy declaration that there isn't.

According to the Secretary of State's Office, Harper opened what's called a "candidate support or opposition committee." The limit is $3,230 in a calendar year. That's nothing to sneeze at. And if lobbyists hurry and mail a check before Jan. 1, they can mail another as soon as the new year starts.

The folks at the Clean Elections Institute, a private advocacy group for publicly funded campaigns, are more than a little disturbed by Harper's new committee.

Institute spokeswoman Barbara Lubin said, "I think it's a committee we need to keep our eye on."

Bag of peanuts? Not on the county's dime . . . Maricopa County staffers had to be reminded recently about procurement card policies after Board of Supervisors Chairman Don Stapley of Mesa misused the card.

In the annals of unauthorized purchases by public officials, these will hardly register a blip. But our motto here at the Insider is: The public has a right to know.

The charges included $11.58 for a movie and $3.19 for a "room refreshment counter" item while Stapley was in Florida for a meeting.

Stapley also apparently had staffers book a flight for him to Kansas for a family emergency. The emergency passed and the booking was canceled, but the county card was charged $124.50.

The materials management department penned a memo saying personal travel shouldn't be charged to the county card. Stapley must reimburse the county.

A fine farewell . . . A very generous Republican but otherwise anonymous soul gave Sen. Mary Hartley a farewell gift for her retirement as resident liberal firebrand of the upper chamber. The west Phoenix Democrat found the gift on her desk wrapped in white tissue and red ribbon. Inside was a T-shirt that read "Republicans Rule. Get over it!"

But, with a slight alteration by her assistant, Donna Homsher, Hartley can now wear the shirt with pride. Nothing a little tape and a letter "D" cut from a newspaper headline couldn't fix.

The shirt now reads: "Republicans Drule."

Compiled by political reporters Robbie Sherwood and Christina Leonard<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Jack BIO....



Name: Jack W. Harper


Address: 6782 w. firebird dr.


Phone(s): 623-362-1345


E-mail/campaign website: [email protected]


Fax: 623-776-0908


Occupation/main source(s) of income: owner of restaurant 6 1/2 yrs, and rental property


Previous occupations: 2 years active duty army, 6yrs AZ Army National Guard


Education: 2 yrs college-no degree; other government and leadership courses


Date of birth: 09/09/67


Family: married to wife, Holly, 12 years; two daughters: Jaclyn 10, and Amanda 7


How long have you lived in Arizona? since 1974


How long have you lived in your district? nearly 6 yrs


What is your party registration and how long have you been registered as a member of that party? Republican-registered at age 18


Previous public offices you've sought/held: none


Civic organizations in which you've been active: Sponsor of "principal's list", reading incentive programs at various schools, sponsor of Little League, AYSO soccer, Boy Scouts of America, and many other community, school and Church functions in the Glendale/Peoria area.


Are you using public funds in your campaign? Clean Election Candidate


Do you have any sort of a criminal record or any outstanding civil judgments? Please be specific. No criminal record, clean MVR, non-drinker, non-smoker


Are you running for the Senate or the House? Senate


What district? 4




1. What do you think the state's policy on gaming should be? What is your position on each of the gaming initiatives?

I personally am against all three initiatives. The Governor's pact is the lesser of the three evils?. Unfortunately, there is not enough accountability and she could have negotiated more money from it.


2. Do you favor increasing the qualification requirements for justices of the peace? Do you favor merit selection for JPs in Maricopa and Pima counties?

I favor having a qualified administrator, but the judge should be someone of integrity and common sense. A lawyer is not necessarily the best choice.


3. What should Arizona do to improve health care for citizens?

Use the tobacco settlement fund for healthcare for AZ citizens, not illegal aliens, such as the legislature supported in December.


4. How important is it that Luke Air Force Base stays open? What, if anything, should the Legislature do to ensure that the base stays open?

Luke AFB is very important to the state and particularly my district. I am a veteran and I feel as strongly as anyone about protecting Luke from encroachment. It is a very integral part of our economy. If we limit a property owner's rights near the base, we need to fairly compensate them. This will have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


5. Do you favor any changes to the state's public records and open meetings laws? Please explain. Would you favor amending the public records law to require public bodies that wrongfully deny access to public records pay attorneys fees and court costs?

I feel the laws in effect now are not always utilized. I do not support another way for liberal organizations to pay their lawyer fees at the public's expense.




1. What is your position regarding increased taxes? Some candidates have pledged not to raise taxes. What is your response to that?

I will not raise taxes. I am not foolish enough to run around and promise to lower taxes either. The state is in a fiscal crisis. The legislature wasted record high tax revenues when they had a chance to fix some of the problems of our state.


2. Under what circumstances, if any, would you advocate a tax increase? Do you favor eliminating some income tax credits and sales tax exemptions? If so, what would be the criteria you would use to select those targeted for elimination? Please give examples.

Under no circumstances will I raise taxes. The Governor vetoed many bills over the last few years and warned the legislature they were outspending the revenues. We need to reorganize our state agencies and limit the number of middle-management positions. This is how business becomes profitable and this is what will save our state.


3. What areas of the state budget, if any, should be immune to budget cuts? What programs should be trimmed or eliminated if there's a revenue shortfall?

Every budget, accept K-12 education, should be cut further than the state needs to and then towards the end of the fiscal year, the remainder of the budget can be divided up as needed.


4. Some say there are fundamental weaknesses in the Arizona economy, including low wage jobs. Do you agree with that assessment? If so, what would you do about it?

Our state has become too dependent on tourism, which produces only low-paying, service-related jobs. We should have tried to lure higher paying industrial jobs to Arizona sooner.




1. What would you do to improve transportation in Arizona? Do taxes need to be increased? If so, which ones and for what purpose? As for Maricopa County, do you favor an extension of the half-cent county sales tax for freeways that will end in 2005? If so, how much should be dedicated for mass transit and light rail?

Our freeway system is catching up to the needs quickly. We are a little behind in the west valley, but loop 303 will eventually be built. I do not support increasing taxes. I have little faith in mass transit in a city as spread out as Metropolitan Phoenix.


2. What has to be done regarding urban-growth planning? Is a regional-planning entity necessary for transportation, air-quality and land planning?

Another state agency is not needed.


3. What strategies would you support to improve our air quality? Should Arizona mandate the cleaner burning diesel fuel that's required in California?

I have no further mandates other than those required by the federal government.


4. Does the mission of the state Land Department need to be changed to place a higher value on preserving state Trust Lands as open space?

I feel the regulations are too restrictive already.


5. Phoenix wants to build a new $600 million convention center. Should the state pay for half? Why or why not?

No, the state has helped Phoenix enough. The state needs to spread the economic development around. The city in which a new economic development project goes to should pitch in.




1. Does Students FIRST require fundamental reform? If so, how would you alter the way Arizona now finances school construction and repair?

Students FIRST certainly helped the poorer districts build and improve schools. It also brought awareness to the taxpayers in wealthier districts that schools could be built without getting too extravagant.


2. Should Arizona expand K-12 education to include full-time kindergarten and pre-school? If so, how would you pay for it?

I like the idea of full-time kindergarten. We must also require basic reading as a standard by the end of the year. Consolidating smaller school districts will save millions of dollars in administrative spending that can go toward hiring more teachers. In addition, having parents back in the work force earlier will increase income tax revenues in Arizona


3. Should the AIMs test be a graduation requirement? Should it be modified? If so, how?

We need to hold school districts and teachers accountable for what the children are learning. If the AIMs test is required, everyone, parents, teachers, schools, etc., will know that is the standard we to be teaching. School districts need to focus on state and national standards to ensure our students are keeping up with or are above the national levels.


4. How would you improve the educational opportunities for Latinos? What would you do to decrease the dropout rate and improve test scores?

We, as a state, have done a lot to improve the opportunities in education for Latinos. They are guaranteed to learn English and learn at the same pace as their English-speaking peers.


5. Are charter schools working? Why or why not?

Charter schools concentrate on education before sports and other after-school activities. They also provide competition to public schools and as a result, public school officials try harder. Therefore, yes, I believe when a charter school follows and obeys the law, they are successful in giving parents and students choices.


6. Do you support increasing the state subsidies for low income working families for child care? How would you pay for it?

I do not support higher subsidies for child care.


7. Is Child Protective Services working effectively to protect children's safety? If not, what changes would you make and how would you pay for it?

CPS is adequate, but I would like to see more faith-based organizations involved. I think Churches should encourage their members to become foster parents so more of the children are in good homes, not just ?money-making? homes.


8. What should be done about child drowning? Should the state require pool fencing?

Child drownings are horrible. Just as many happen in bathtubs. There is no way to stop them all together other than to educate parents before and prosecute them afterwards. Pool fences can provide protection, but they are also not fool-proof and can provide a false sense of security.




What additional issues would you work on if elected?

Government cannot do everything for everyone. We need to encourage volunteerism in our youth. I served two years in the army and six in the AZ Army National Guard. I believe all young people should serve their country or their community for two years.


Wow his bio looks pretty good too..... To damn bad he dont have a lick of common sence.....

Del, I believe you are right and wrong at the same time. I believe this man if very intelligent and extremely smart. He just has different objectives than we would choose and a different way of getting there. Unfortunately the things that we value, he would sacrifice. These are very dangerous combinations. Especially considering he is seemingly in power and we are not.

We have to impress on him that we can threaten his well being by threatening his ability to be elected to office again. The part about the PAC is interesting. Generally, those are little more than money machines and ways for special interest groups to buy officials. I think that rates some more investigation. Maybe an annual audit by an independent accountant... I just happen to know one.

Dan he thinks Like all the yuppies/ golfers and californians that live in AZ, its all about money.. but yet dont take things that dont work away cause he would loose votes...

As long as there is a golf course he will be happy

The biggest problem with Jack is the R in this title: "Harper, R-Sun City West"

You get what you vote for.
Buzz, Don't tell me that you are a Democrat? You supported Slick Willie and Internet Al?? Please say it ain't so.....

Well, I don't see why the state would want to be involved in operating a buffalo ranch, I can't believe they are proposing getting rid of their airplanes! Instead, they should mount guns on them and take out some of those outfitters locating elk from the air.

Danr and Michael, as much as you'd like me to say I was a dem., I aint.

I'm a little too intelligent to vote party lines...thats irresponsible and down right stupid.

I wont vote for anyone who doesnt show regard for wildlife, the environment, and the correct management of natural resources.

Just one of my flaws.

But, doesnt it seem ironic that a good old Repuplican is behind that? You shouldnt be shocked.
Buzz, You're so correct! Isn't it amazing that people who call themselves hunters will vote for politicians whose agenda is anti wildlife habitat?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-06-2003 22:26: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Buzz, if you don't vote along party lines, then why should an officials party be of concern? I guess I'm missing the differentiation.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But, doesnt it seem ironic that a good old Repuplican is behind that? You shouldnt be shocked<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

BUzz I was shocked when I found his bio and saw he was a REP.. Most rep. in AZ vote for the old AZ ways... Ie for wildlife against gun control etc.... sems we have a new breed of polititions in AZ now....

Doesnt suprize me most of them come from CA and wouldnt know wildlife from a gangbanger anyway....

Most of the people in AZ today worry more about the sports stadiums, golf course's, etc... Before the CA, and easten people moved here in the late 80's most of the people in AZ were hunters and outdoorsmen etc...
Its what happends when people from big cities move into a little city and want big city fun... They also think liveing in the west automaticly makes them outdoorsmen...

Well, Danr and Delw, I suggest you look into the history of the people you vote for.

It was a good republican governor (Stan Stephens) that sold MT down the river on our buffalo hunt...

Its also Gov. Judy Martz in Montana that wants to give landowners big-game tags to sell to the highest bidder...also a republican. Our last Gov. in Wyoming was also pushing for the same thing, landowner tags...also a republican.

Its also GW who has loosened environmental controls...also a republican.

Rep. Gov. Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho, wont do jack shit to help steelhead and salmon...also a republican. He has managed to fire the only decent F&G director that Idaho had for many years though...

Its been my experience that the Republican party aint exactly wildlife friendly.

There have been a few good ones...Teddy Roosevelt for instance.
I cant vote for montana or any other state besides AZ

I do read who I vote for, and If I dont like the person I am voting for I wont for the the less of 2 evils....

Maybe not to your liking, but what would you do if the Dems took away the firearms? It's really tough to hunt geese with a bow...


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