
Packing in ? Or doing day hunts...

packin--always wanted to do it and now I will and will do it more often--easier on the wallet --chris
Sitting at home relaxing because I already filled my tag. Now I have time to go out and film them...




Hey Deerking, when are you going to post the pictures of your three ML critters over here? You're going to give Moosie a complex about his website. Just holding your FantasyHunt cards close to your vest? ;)

Congrats on the trifecta...

DeerKing, I apreciate your Pictures... I don't know why you post at before here. I see Buckspy likes that place too. I should Buy it and Shut it down so you guys come here permanent ;)

Oak, I saw his Critters already, but just because he wanted me to know I wasn't the only one taking a colorado Buck. His was a Hait bigger ;) ... did he post them there too... I need a talk with Jeff. He needs a Good Ass kickin I think ;)
I'll post a few hunting pictures this afternoon, they are on my home puter. Thanks for the nice comments fellers. Moosie, I know you appreciate them, unlike Brian who hasn't said one word to me in 4 years I've been there and isn't an every day part of the forums.
I'll be packing in with Deerslayer the Third season, I had a Mule Deer Hunt planned, but it fell through. Anyway D.S. said he had bought some land through E-Bay overlooking beautiful Mount Blanca near one of the oldest towns in Colorado. He said there was alot of sand near there and we would just wait them out!
....that's the plan anyways!

.....but now that you have told everyone on the net, we may have to go to plan "B"......which invovles high fences and feed troughs!

.........P.S......Draftstud, our group is getting smaller by the minute!......this may wind up a solo guided hunt before we're said and done!
Oh....forgot to answer the question.....

Packing......because I can.....and because all the game stays near the roads acording to my buddy Ron and I am on a good dry run coming off of last months bowhunt, I wouldn't want to phuck it up by killing I'll pack back in in an effort to leave the critters and pavement behind......
Day hunts this year for elk, but someday I'd LOVE to go on a horse packin hunt. DS, hint, hint! ;) Actually, I don't care if I have to pay the $$, someday I will do just that.
Hard tellin not knowin! Alls I know is DS is leading the way on this one. I still aint sure why we're gonna pack all our game back in, but--if that's what he wants ta do then that's what we'll do! ;) I guess that's what ya call using a little reverse phsycology--
I'll tell you guys what.....I'll take point on this one....and you can either give me all the credit or all the blame....depending on how much the ol' game pole is a dragging. Unlike last trip on the NM bowhunt....I know exactly what we're up against on this one....and I LIKE our odds to say the least!

1-pointer.....the key is getting your deposit in to me early! :D
DS- Just send me your addy and I'll get the '05 stuff coming your way!! :D Or should it go directly to your off-shore account?? ;)
The feds shut my off-shore account down.....unmarked bills will do fine ;)

............but you might wanna plan for '06 ......'cause if we come out of this place 100% again this year, the price sheet will see some drastic changes! :eek:
A little of both! I've been packed in for 4 days and 3 days so far and done another 3 day hunts. now that bow is officially over for me I will be day hunting rifle. Will pack in for mulies for about 3 or 4 days, backpack.

Good Luck Everyone!
Originally posted by DeerKing:
I'll post a few hunting pictures this afternoon, they are on my home puter. Thanks for the nice comments fellers. Moosie, I know you appreciate them, unlike Brian who hasn't said one word to me in 4 years I've been there and isn't an every day part of the forums.
Well I do Like them.. Matter of fact I love them. I apreciate it and love you too.... SNIFF SNIFF... I feel a tear coming on.. something might have gotten in my eye... I'll be right back...

(I'm guessing he'll read this and thank you now ;) )

THANX MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
DK, are you in Jellystone taking pics!?!?

I saw two bulls fighting this weekend, but they were over 1 mile away and they looked like two litlte ants.
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