OYOA makes the NYT

Apparently he didn't do his research before writing that article. I guess Randy should have made it a 10 hour wolf-extravaganza in order to get every detail and fact into the show for those "non-hunters" to understand! Jeez Randy...cite your sources!! hahaha
Nothing in his opinion is backed up with any fact. Throwing a woodchuck to his lab for an in human death is OK,( because they are abundant), but shooting wolves is wrong because they aren't doing well?

"Large predators, on the other hand, are not doing well around the planet."
Apparantly he didnt do his research either.
If you click on the author's name it will bring up his bio. Looks like a "wingnut" to me.

You can also send him an email from his bio.

High IQ...low EQ.
"There are no wildlife biologists on the show, no one to discuss how to decide what size wolf populations should be or how many elk wolves kill. There is no discussion of any sort, just Mr. Newberg’s claims and then Mr. Newberg hunting."

aren't these the people who did the leg work BEFORE wolf seasons were enacted? guess someone didn't do their homework. dayam it to hell Randy. creating a wolf season all by yourself. you da man..........:D
How did this balloon full of hot, smelly air get deflated in national print? Oh yeah, it's the NYT.

All of his arguments fall flat, including that large predators worldwide are doing poorly. It's funny that he should say this in light of the very context he is talking about - a television network that shows large predators doing just fine on a consistent basis.

Perhaps Randy needs a few more shots of bbq'ing elk meat, toothpick in mouth, just to reassure everyone that large predators are doing all right. Even the public land OYOA types ~
If you really, really care about the environment, it is apparently not necessary to actually go out in it.
How did this get put out under the "science" section? There is nothing scientific about it. It's just some guys opinion on something he seems to know little about.
so he complains ther was no wildlife biologist only Randy's claims...um didnt he do the same thing by saying predators around the world arent doing well.....WINGNUT
"There are no wildlife biologists on the show, no one to discuss how to decide what size wolf populations should be or how many elk wolves kill. There is no discussion of any sort, just Mr. Newberg’s claims and then Mr. Newberg hunting."

I thought Randy made it very clear that the size of the wolf population should be less than it is now and the biologists for Montana's Fish, Wildlife and Parks will be major players in setting the population goals.
Randy good for you that you struck a nerve. I sure as hell hope you struck many more. You should start making examples of these idiots like this Gorman from that rag of a newspaper! . Invite them to a debate (which the coward wont show his face) so you can hit him over the head with fact upon fact. Randy do not waiver from your course one degree and again thanks! :cool:
If you really, really care about the environment, it is apparently not necessary to actually go out in it.
It amazes me how many wolf experts live in the suburbs near large metropolitain areas.
I think they should send a few wolves to this guys backyard to help him with his deer and woodchuck problem.
Do you all realize that if Mr Gorman is paid for this kind of journalism,,That would make all of us wildlife experts and we should be paid for our yearly research,lol
Thanks guys. I read it last night.

I agree with you comments on his science-deficient comment about large predators. Evidently he didn't bother to research that grizz, mountain lions, and wolves are at 75 year highs. Did he want me to cite some hired gun scientist who would try to claim otherwise? Did he want me to cite how wolf introductions brought beaver back to YNP, but the study's author failed to inform people that the Forest Service released 129 beaver in his study area just prior to his study. The science about wolves in YNP is so much "hired gun" reports, that very little should be trusted. Most the "opinions for hire" are funded by the "screw ball wingnut" groups.

That this guy self-identifies with the serial litigators I referred to in the show, is not my worry. That he understands very little of the history of the topic is not my worry. That he thinks this is still a scientific discussion, rather than a social and historical discussion, seems rather disconnected from the topic. Not even the "hired guns" of the screw ball wingnut groups will risk their fragile scientific reputations by arguing that these wolves have not recovered.

The fact that the NYT felt the story is worth print us good. The author originally tried to sound balanced to his audience, though in the process, came across as un/misinformed to those with decades invested in wolves.

Time to go find a deer that wants to be a TV star.
it would have been good for the new york times to at least be 50-50 on the article,,,them city folks just are not on the same page as people out west that can see the destuction these wolfs are doing to our deer and elk,,,good job randy.

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