Oregon Mule Deer

Day 2 is over we’re starting to find deer, we’ve all passed on small bucks and it paid off. John and Mitch tagged out this evening, what a pack out !!! I got back to camp late from my morning hunt and the guys kidnaped my dad and took him for there afternoon hunt , dad is 76 he had a blast , me and my girlfriend Maria went back to camp and got more stuff and went to help on the pack out











Mom slow cooked ribs all days, she came on the trip to the pack out but stayed with the rigs , we had a serious feast to celebrate the days event


Congrats to the whole team, looks like a blast. and, great bucks with a bad azz looking gun!!
Great job Chris and crew! With a camp set up like that, it would be hard to get up and going in the morning.
Luck with some skill , took the girlfriend out looking for a buck for her , she said she ready to kill a deer and she doesn’t care about size anymore, so the guys had spotted a spike by fork yesterday, and we went to that area to try to relocate for the afternoon hunt , saw nothing glasses canyon off high points , nothing not even a doe , last hour of light we road hunt back, I was starting to check out mentality, just a little frustrated over not seeing deer or finding a buck for her , she says turn down this road

We had been on it before , so down we go it’s less than a mile to the end but some open woods , lots of cows feeding on the landscape as well , we drive and get cows off the road , nothing but cows , make the end turn around and come back out , the cows like 7 are back in the road , I’m laughing, we just sitting idle looking at them , when I see movement to my right , a deer is trotting down the hill , pull up binos , buck , I see 4 points , holy hell ! She hasn’t seen him yet , turn off the truck , get out , my rifle is in the backseat of my crew cab , load a round , he makes the road and he’s behind a 7 cows , clueless were there , he moves on walking, I drop down hill with him , he’s maybe 100 yards , not sure , it’s all a blurry, he disappears behind some big timber , as I raise my rifle , no time for a rest it free hand , he’s scoped and clears the cover, boom , I miss , he’s confused and not sure where I’m at , I see white as I reload , raise up , he’s quartered away, looking the opposite direction, boom , he disappears, don’t have a clue what happened, I run ahead , he’s laying there dead , dropped in his tracks , WOW !!! Is all I can say , just a lucky hunter , had those cows not been in the road I never would have stopped and the deer would have seen us , was a mile from camp , dad herd the shots while sitting at the camp fire ! No great spot and stock , just right place right time. It’s a whiskey tonight for me , now about finding a buck for my lady is next to the list .

As he lay

Good job Chris!! Get the lady hers. I am betting she will kill a bigger one than you if you have anything to say about it.
Congrats on a great hunt! Camp site looks awesome!
Awesome job Chris!!! Looks like a great hunt, great camp and great food. That is a nice buck too
She did it !!!!!! After a sunrise road hunt , that turned up 7 does , I asked her you wanna go up the next road and drive that or head back to the other gate from yesterday and walk in and hunt the canyon again , she choose the harder hunt and it paid off ! Found the buck feeding broadside, we closed to range , she shot , good hit he ran and bedded quickly, we closed again she shot , he got up and went over the ridge , we thought she missed but later found she didn’t , we snuck up the next ridge and found him bedded again , by the time we relocated him he couldn’t get up again and she finished him. Got a hold of the crew and we did a quick pack out , they chose the gutless method on her buck .

After hunting from sunrise to sundown with less than an hour break each day since season opened , I’m tired and ready to relax , and wait for Cam and Tony to get there’s and help them , gonna head to town for my 1st shower in 5 days


Ye Ol’ Hanging Tree

This is easily becoming the best deer camp / season we've ever had , Never imagined it could have gone this well
She did it !!!!!! After a sunrise road hunt , that turned up 7 does , I asked her you wanna go up the next road and drive that or head back to the other gate from yesterday and walk in and hunt the canyon again , she choose the harder hunt and it paid off ! Found the buck feeding broadside, we closed to range , she shot , good hit he ran and bedded quickly, we closed again she shot , he got up and went over the ridge , we thought she missed but later found she didn’t , we snuck up the next ridge and found him bedded again , by the time we relocated him he couldn’t get up again and she finished him. Got a hold of the crew and we did a quick pack out , they chose the gutless method on her buck .

After hunting from sunrise to sundown with less than an hour break each day since season opened , I’m tired and ready to relax , and wait for Cam and Tony to get there’s and help them , gonna head to town for my 1st shower in 5 days

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Ye Ol’ Hanging Tree
View attachment 115910

This is easily becoming the best deer camp / season we've ever had , Never imagined it could have gone this well

She did awesome! You guys have had an amazingly blessed deer hunt. Great job Chris!!

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