Yeti GOBOX Collection

Opening Day Success -- Wyoming

Sep 29, 2010
Welp, after two scouting trips and one long opener I was able to punch my tag on this beauty. There are better units and bigger pronghorns out there, but for a first I'll take it. All morning I had great bucks coming in on the other side of the waterhole and couldn't figure it out. They wouldn't come to the trough. Eventually, my blind almost flew away so while I had a buck coming in I staked it down, scared him off and went back to the truck to grab my Be The Decoy hat and shirt and when I returned I realized there was a small drainage running East from the trough. The antelope only had to get within 50 yds of the trough to get water. I moved my blind 15' at 10 am and had action the rest of the day, save for a 4 hr slump from 1 to 5 pm.

This was a walk-in area in a relatively easy to draw unit. Free access and full of action, Wyoming has been a joy to hunt in.


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It doesn't matter if there's better ones in the unit...that one is yours and you are proud of him and that's all that matters. Congrats!!
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Congrats on your buck! Looks like the move to WY is paying off nicely.
I may have never said it, but thanks for the pack you sold me a few years back, it's had a couple of WY goats in it, but no luck in the draws may mean it stays empty this year.
Great Wyoming early season story with pics. thanks for posting for those of us who are waiting for our turn.

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