Ohio to veto concealed carry--for media


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
From the NAHC: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ohio Governor Says He'll Veto Conceal-Carry Bill

COLUMBUS, OH--Ohio Gov. Bob Taft says he'll veto legislation that would give law-abiding residents of the state the right to carry concealed handguns because the bill "doesn't give the public and media adequate access to personal information about permit-holders."

The Ohio Senate passed the bill 25-8 late last Wednesday before adjourning for the year, and the House passed it late Thursday before wrapping up its session. The full legislature returns in January for the second year of the legislative session.

Taft will have 10 days to veto the concealed-carry bill once it reaches his desk.

The legislation would give reporters access to concealed-carry records on a name-by-name basis. Taft says that's not adequate. He originally wanted the bill to make permit holders' names, birth dates and counties or residence open to the public.

Taft later agreed to a compromise that would give journalists--but not the public--access to databases of all permit holders kept by county sheriffs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>MY OPINION: Gee, this guy doesn't pander to the media...really.
Why is it any of the media's business who does and does not have a permit? If someone is arrested while carrying a weapon, that info will be in the police report; otherwise it's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.
The media, or anyone for that matter has no business knowing who has a concealed weapons permit. How ridiculous is that? A buddy of mine applied for a permit here (before our right-to-carry law passed) and it took the sheriff's department a couple of months to evaluate his app. because, among other things, they wanted to talk with his neighbors to see if they thought he was safe to have the permit.

WH, carrying a gun without a permit would probably mean a felony charge, which would make it illegal for you to own or possess a firearm. I guess you could still bowhunt, though.

Gov.Tax, is another jerk who will find any reason to weasel out of something. (After all he said that the state's finance were fine and then turns around and raises taxes like mad once he gets reelected.) He is done getting my vote ever again regardless who runs against him for something.

Maybe he is going to get a job on a Columbus news station after his term expires?
Correct me if I'm wrong Nut but aren't we legal in carrying a fully exposed, loaded and holstered weapon here?
Gov. Daft, is a really sore point with me right now. The moron, and moron really is to soft of a term for him is trying to close down one of our area prisons, even though most prisons in the state are already borderline over crowded. The kicker is they just up graded this faciliy, and spent millions of dollars doing it. The area has been fighting him doing this, and guess what he has already spent more money fighting this than would have been saved.
As for concealed carry, why should he care, he has all the protection he'll ever need.