NRA Alternative?

Willy Dee

Active member
Sep 5, 2018
I am not really interested in starting a thread bashing the NRA, but I am also not comfortable sending them any more money. I already belong to a state level gun rights group but would like to join a national group as well other than the NRA. Any suggestions? Thanks!
It's to bad the NRA can't clean up their act. It's has a proud history trashed by recent leadership. A conservative author did a book and analyzed the very issue you ask. The organization Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership, really stood out in the book at the group really put the money where it's meant to go, protecting our gun rights. I think the author of the book was Beck.
Been NRA member 45 year's really hate what's happened.
Firearms Policy Coalition seems to be legit.

I don't pay attention to most politics (never have); can someone explain what's going on with the NRA?
FPC and SAF are legit. GOA is too, but I can easily see them rubbing some folk the wrong way.

If you’re an Amazon user, you can set up Amazon Smile to donate to a non profit of your choice. Mine is set up for SAF, I think GOA is an option as well
Im glad to see other gun owners & hunters are waking up to how corrupt the NRA is and most importantly it's leadership. I contacted the NRA about 20 years ago regarding an issue. I went to Xavier University in Cincinnati and was on the rifle team. When I was there, there rifle team was just a club. A guy who went there after I graduated took over the "club" (it was always supported by the U.S. Army via an NCO and Officer running the ROTC program. Well this ambitious guy turned the club into a legit NCAA approved sport that sent 3 kids to the Olympics in air rifle. He did a marvelous job. THEN, the university hired an athletic director that dreamed up a lead problem on the indoor rifle range (.22LR only) and shit the team down. She screwed a number of the kids that had university scholarships. The university had a great academic reputation and the attraction to these kids was the scholarship at a decent school. The juniors and seniors were screwed royally.

Long story, I contacted the NRA to try to get them to protect these kids and reverse dumb decisions. Sent them newspaper articles etc. Mind you this also happened at WVU over in Morgantown, WV. These A-hole libs caused so much damage to young kids doing the right thing. What did the NRA do? NATTA, nuttin, zero, zilch, silence, nothing. It was at that point I realized it was a talk a lot and do nothing org. And the incompetent Atty General in NY goes after the whole NRA instead of just LaPiere and his pals. Sorry for the rant. They will NEVER get my money.
The NRA paid over $80,000.00 for a NRA American Hunter writer to hunt a bighorn sheep in Texas, the writer thanked the NRA members for the hunt. I'll never donate any more money to the NRA so one of their writers can go on a hunt, I'm giving my money towards my own hunts. I foolishly bought a life membership to the NRA over 30 years ago.
That's probably peanuts compare to that babe Dana Loesche he was giving "Marketing" contracts to. She's got rocks for brains. I didn't know about the $80 grand, but I hear ya. Thanks for posting that. I wonder why the board hasn't come out and throw him out?
I am not really interested in starting a thread bashing the NRA, but I am also not comfortable sending them any more money. I already belong to a state level gun rights group but would like to join a national group as well other than the NRA. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Which of these is your discomfort with the NRA
  1. Rolling back gun control laws in NY, CA, DC?
  2. Unabashed support for 2A rights including communities of color which have high crime rates? Surge in gun ownership is people of color who are sick of being left as victims in liberal communities.
  3. Support to initiatives with women to arm themselves for self defense? Domestic violence kills 1000's of innocent woman and children every year and is blight on our world.
  4. 23 states now constitutional carry?
Someone mentioned Ukraine and those brave people defending their families and country. Our prism doesn't appreciate and recognize 2A is right which needs absolute defense and NRA best to continue that defense. If you don't like it; join, get active and work to make it better.
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There are other alternatives to the NRA that defend 2nd Amendment rights and gun issues. How do you know even a trickle is going to defend our rights? THAT is a misnomer. Clearly the bulk is getting frittered away. As I mentioned my experience with defending the kids that got screwed at Xavier University, it is NOT going to help our rights. So read the threads above to find a number of good/well run organizations that actually defend our 2nd amendment rights and donate to them.
Which of these is your discomfort with the NRA
  1. Rolling back gun control laws in NY, CA, DC?
  2. Unabashed support for 2A rights including communities of color which have high crime rates? Surge in gun ownership is people of color who are sick of being left as victims in liberal communities.
  3. Support to initiatives with women to arm themselves for self defense? Domestic violence kills 1000's of innocent woman and children every year and is blight on our world.
  4. 23 states now constitutional carry?
Someone mentioned Ukraine and those brave people defending their families and country. Our prism doesn't appreciate and recognize 2A is right which needs absolute defense and NRA best to continue that defense. If you don't like it; join, get active and work to make it better.
Sorry for the late response. I have not been on the forum recently. As I stated, I have no interest in an NRA bashing thread. They have done some great things in the past. However, I no longer have faith in the organization's financial stewardship. I am also skeptical of the current leadership's integrity. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Competition may inspire the NRA to regroup and become more efficient, honorable, and transparent. It may not. A healthy alternative is never a bad thing.
Which of these is your discomfort with the NRA
  1. Rolling back gun control laws in NY, CA, DC?
  2. Unabashed support for 2A rights including communities of color which have high crime rates? Surge in gun ownership is people of color who are sick of being left as victims in liberal communities.
  3. Support to initiatives with women to arm themselves for self defense? Domestic violence kills 1000's of innocent woman and children every year and is blight on our world.
  4. 23 states now constitutional carry?
Someone mentioned Ukraine and those brave people defending their families and country. Our prism doesn't appreciate and recognize 2A is right which needs absolute defense and NRA best to continue that defense. If you don't like it; join, get active and work to make it better.

My final discomfort was when I picked up a Shooting Illustrated off my dad's coffee table a few years ago and read an editorial about how unfair Pittman-Robertson was to non-hunters, and that the money going to wildlife restoration was hurting gun ownership. Underneath that magazine was an American Hunter, I then realized the NRA's wires were officially crossed and that my dollars would probably be better donated elsewhere.
Folks seem to have different reasons for tiring of the NRA but all tend to loosely fall into two camps - One group who is ok with the NRA burn all the ships approach to politics but do not like the country-club money waste/misused of the LaPierre et al. And a second group who object to the burn it all political approach. It would be helpful for those seeking a new “home” to hear from folks recommending these alternatives, where they fall along the “out of my cold dead hands” spectrum.
Something interestingly curious to me is that the NRA sends out tons of snail mail, email and "get free stuff with membership" solicitations. Why is it that they have to publicize so many requests for more money? I dropped them a year or so ago yet I still get all the same stuff. It seems like money poorly spent. Membership money,,,,,

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