Now that we know what U drink...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
What do your kids drink ?

How old were they when you started letting them drink pop ?

My 2nd to oldest (Zachary) is like "HAMMY" from over the hedge. If he drinks a POP I think the time actually stops and he's way to fast to catch or do anythnig with !!!

But they do drink alot of Sugar Koolaid.
LOL! My daughter turned two last week, she likes soda when she gets some but it was rare enough that she never knew how much she liked it 'til she and my wife went to visit family in Cali for a couple weeks. They drink it daily and now we have a little addict on our hands. If she even sees a can she throws a fit yelling "SSOOODDAAAAAAAA" If she gets some she runs around in circles singing random phrases of songs she's learned then crashes on the couch.

We gotta make her quit cold turkey so it's out for at least a few weeks.
My kids drink pop when eating out but rarely have it at home. They drink a lot of chocolate milk and tang. My youngest gets pissed if he has to drink water. Occasionally kool-aid but mostly milk and juices like juicy juice and capri sun.
in order...chocolate milk, oj, water, white milk...someone ought to buy stock in hersheys...soft drinks are a sometimes treat...not all that often, I'd bet...two a month?
My kid is five and he does not drink soda pop, almost never. We don't keep it at home. He gets fruit juice (100% real juice) milk or water. Thats it. Once in a while, chocolate milk, for a treat. When we go out, milk or water, no soda pop. Heck, the kid runs us ragged as it is, I can't imagian him on extra sugar. No candy eather, well almost none. For him, a snak means a banana or apple. Dessert is a banana, or on rare occasion, a slice or fruit pie.
Other kids think he is abused, but what he don't know won't hurt him.
My son is soon to be 17. He very seldom drinks Pop. He is a water and juice guy.

When he was smaller, he wanted Pop, but we wouldn't let him. Now that he is older, he really doesn't like it.

In middle school, their health class watched a show called "Supersize It." It was about how much fast food, or fat food, as he calls it, along with Pop added to your weight. He has some citation they gave him that states one Pop a day is enough to add 7 pounds of weight per year to the adult body. That show really convinced him and his buddies to think about what they eat and drink .
Nothing yet. But, hopefully he'll start out with breast milk. I priced formula and beer would be cheaper! ;)
Fred Jr drinks soda,juice,skim milk and energy drinks.

Codie drinks juice,skim milk and water.

Martin drinks energy drinks,soda,skim milk and juice.

They do have KoolAid thrown in at times.

They drank soda all at a early age along with KoolAid. B ut they also had milk and juice.;)
My kids drink OJ/Sunny D in the morning-
water throughout the day-
Gatorade or Propel at practices-
Milk with dinner (sometimes w/ strawberry Quick :)
Sodas only on occassions when we're out to dinner early-virtually never sodas at home.
Shakes for dessert on the weekend!!!
My youngest daughter just turned 21...she likes a glass of wine w/ mom & pop when she comes over for dinner (and money) now. The grandkids like choc milk.
Gee Marv next time I'm up in that area I'm going stop for a Milk Shake. We normally hit Burger hut in Chico for burgers and shakes.
Hey you're welcome to a cold one anytime! By the way, after spending last week down in Folsom- you guys need to do something about all those turkeys (the feathered variety) walking around town...maybe a spring bow hunt! ;)
Unfortunately Folsom is a bird sactuary so we can't do anything about them. I have hit 2 driving around town. Found out a Ford Superduty grill costs 475.00. I took the youngest to get her cast Monday and and saw 9 jakes walking on Sutter Street.
Kids drink mostly juice or milk with the ocasional pop.

Moosie I have heard that some kids get that way on pop that has dark color to it so if the little one is only doing that on cola then you may want to switch to a clear pop for him. Can't hurt to give it a try and you may want to get him checked to see if he is alergic to somthing in the drink.
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