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Non-resident outfitter license (MT) Bill is up for hearing 2/2/2021 (SB 143)

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Those pesky nonresident do it yourselfer hunters who come and just take take take and don’t pay pay pay...

I thought dunce caps were white?
What is even better is when we are too stupid to understand what this bill means.. Check out the brainchild's response to my post on Randy's facebook post....

In case you really wanted to hear an outfitter say it's about undermining the will of Montana Voters who passed I-161 & that this is about giving outfitters a guarantee.

I'd put this video under "things you really shouldn't put online."
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. That was rough. Cletus didn’t do very well trying to convince how this doesn’t affect anyone. “50%+ already hunt with outfitters”. If that’s the case, why is the bill necessary then? What an idiot.
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. That was rough. Cletus didn’t do very well trying to convince how this doesn’t affect anyone. “50%+ already hunt with outfitters”. If that’s the case, why is the bill necessary then? What an idiot.
It's a good thing he has comments turned off..... I would have just posted how stupid he is.
That nice young man is a good spokesman for the wonderful MOGA. Very clear and compelling argument for why they should be handed clients. He sure helpEd change my mind.

Now, I think all Outfitters and Guides are whiny, entitled crooks. keep up the good work, young man!!
If I were a NR booked with an outfitter that supported this (like the one in the video) I’d call tomorrow and cancel my hunt. Fact. But I’m just one of those crummy diy guys spending $600....
The video brings up some valid points. My thought is there are better solutions to the issues though.

For instance, make MD totally limited like CO. Reserve general elk to a few units that have either very difficult access, or a management goal of keeping elk populations very low. Then make the rest of the state totally limited.

This would mean fewer tags for R and NR, and at first a lot of people would think it’s a bad deal, but after 3 years I think nearly everyone would see that the hunt quality had improved and crowding greatly reduced.

I think the same way, I believe having more Limited Quota hunts and less General units would help a lot in MT.
Eric, do you realize that you've essentially just outlined every new business owner's dilemma? Young business owners should have to be in competition with the more established businesses. It's the economic system that made America the world's richest nation.
Not in the business of outfitting they have continued to receive state handouts for many years in numerous states. Sounds like we all need to write up corporation articles and move to some of these states to sponge off the states natural resources to me. AK, WY, UT, NM, CO, just name a few.
When is it going to end? Maybe when average Joe's are replaced by the rich and privileged folks and hunting then falls into some other Countries wildlife models that we see.
This is the question that the legislators need to be asking themselves.

Are you willing to spend a large amount Pollical Capital on a law that in all likely hood will only last until the next election when it will likely be repealed by the voters?
When did a majority party ever double down on common sense instead of stubbornness when bad policy is at stake?
If sound bites are any use, I'd go with "keep it wild" way before "cows not condos." Controlling protein in the hands of the glorified, mythified western cowboy is a tremendous rip-off of our public lands, waters, and a disaster for the diverse wildlife (and healthy food sources) that depend on our lands and waters. Thus, a heavily lop-sided resource allocation in the name of "feeding the world." Don't buy it!
This attitude has gotten more land leased than the outfitter set aside ever will.
Tide pods and double the grizzly number for you folks. How many of you cashed your bullshit stimulus check or drilled the ppp? This bill comes close to achieving the guaranteed number of clients most outfitters have had for years. Not a handout, what they had. You guys are like the kid that was taken fishing, taken begrudgingly, but taken non the less. Next time i go back to my sacred hole, there’s 10 people fishing and and no one is catching fish. What a success story. Still 17,000 tags and more and more diy guys calling my friend for help mid season each and every year and he takes the same 30 guys every year. Not more clients for outfitters growing their business, just more public land Diy guys Saturating our public grounds. If you hunt public ground you have seen it. If your a legit backcountry elk hunter this is not for you. No matter your state. Too many people Are unequipped to hunt here. Its irritating as a public land owner lol Ask a game warden about the difference in game and fish law infractions. You can’t even compare non resident diy hunters in rifle season, to guided non residents. S
Tide pods and double the grizzly number for you folks. How many of you cashed your bullshit stimulus check or drilled the ppp? This bill comes close to achieving the guaranteed number of clients most outfitters have had for years. Not a handout, what they had. You guys are like the kid that was taken fishing, taken begrudgingly, but taken non the less. Next time i go back to my sacred hole, there’s 10 people fishing and and no one is catching fish. What a success story. Still 17,000 tags and more and more diy guys calling my friend for help mid season each and every year and he takes the same 30 guys every year. Not more clients for outfitters growing their business, just more public land Diy guys Saturating our public grounds. If you hunt public ground you have seen it. If your a legit backcountry elk hunter this is not for you. No matter your state. Too many people Are unequipped to hunt here. Its irritating as a public land owner lol Ask a game warden about the difference in game and fish law infractions. You can’t even compare non resident diy hunters in rifle season, to guided non residents. S
Are you the guy in the video posters are talking about?
Tide pods and double the grizzly number for you folks. How many of you cashed your bullshit stimulus check or drilled the ppp? This bill comes close to achieving the guaranteed number of clients most outfitters have had for years. Not a handout, what they had. You guys are like the kid that was taken fishing, taken begrudgingly, but taken non the less. Next time i go back to my sacred hole, there’s 10 people fishing and and no one is catching fish. What a success story. Still 17,000 tags and more and more diy guys calling my friend for help mid season each and every year and he takes the same 30 guys every year. Not more clients for outfitters growing their business, just more public land Diy guys Saturating our public grounds. If you hunt public ground you have seen it. If your a legit backcountry elk hunter this is not for you. No matter your state. Too many people Are unequipped to hunt here. Its irritating as a public land owner lol Ask a game warden about the difference in game and fish law infractions. You can’t even compare non resident diy hunters in rifle season, to guided non residents. S
Are you the guy from the video, because you spout the same BS.

Edit: @antlerradar was quicker on the draw

So stimulus checks are bs, but outfitter subsidies are ok? What the heck kind of mental gyrations does it involve to arrive at that conclusion?

I have no idea where you are going with your fishing analogy.

Why should outfitters growing their business get a government handout of guaranteed clients when no other small business owner in this state gets a government-mandated client base? What happened to capitalism and free markets? I thought we didn’t like socialism?

So are non-residents too poorly equipped to hunt here, or too self-sufficient and not spending enough money in our state? I can’t follow the mixed messages.

Maybe somebody can ‘splain it to me.
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