Non hunting bucket list or dreams?

There are different place’s cultures I’d really like to see and experience. It’s still kind of hunting related because that would probably be the vehicle that gets me there. Mongolia being near the top of the list.

We are either spending first 10 years in San Miguel de Allende in MX or Valencia in Spain. I prefer San Miguel but Valencia is less risky.
Obviously health and prosperity to my family and kids. But detailed bucket list items:

1. Find an arrowhead! (Funny story, I found a piece of bark last year that was shaped just like an arrowhead....that was cruel!)
2. An Alaskan cruise with the wife
3. Explore the Rocky Mountain region upon retirement in a truck and camper
4. Go dogsledding
5. Expand on a youth outdoor event I have developed here in MN.
Spend a week fishing in Alaska with my dad. We've talked about it for 20 years and I'll be crossing it off in 5 weeks. In fact, I gave up hunting out of state this fall to make it happen.

Other than that, just enjoy life with my family.
1. Build a small timber frame cabin
2. Find a buffalo skull
3. Would be the cats a$$ to find an old bear trap in the mountains.
4. Plan a vacation that my wife and daughters won’t give any silent treatments...this would probably be more of a miracle honestly.
My dream is to do the Triple Crown of long distance hiking in under a year.

That's a lot of hiking! I'd love to hike all 3 in my lifetime at least... Short term goal of mine would be hiking the tahoe rim trail....
No matter what, I have to hike and fly fish both Patagonia and New Zealand at some point in my life. Might as well hit Australia while down there too.
In high school I wanted to work with Louisiana black bears. Spent two summers as a tech working on the population survey and checked that off my list. Other than that for "nonhunting" I've always wanted to at least hear a wolf howl at night. I'm sure some of you western and northern Midwest guys are shaking you head at that one. I enjoy sitting outside on cold winter nights listening to coyotes. Always wanted to hear a wolf.
In high school I wanted to work with Louisiana black bears. Spent two summers as a tech working on the population survey and checked that off my list. Other than that for "nonhunting" I've always wanted to at least hear a wolf howl at night. I'm sure some of you western and northern Midwest guys are shaking you head at that one. I enjoy sitting outside on cold winter nights listening to coyotes. Always wanted to hear a wolf.
In my experience, wolves respond pretty decently to human calling at night.
My dream is to do the Triple Crown of long distance hiking in under a year.

Doing the continental divide trail, would you stop at the can/usa border? We have bumped into people mid/late july on our annual horse pack trip in southern alberta that are mid hike to the finish at mount robson in jasper national park in alberta Canada. Pretty crazy to think that they had started at the mexico border. Many are ill prepared for the back country, lacking the essentials like bear spray in grizzly country.

I would think that it would be a great way to spend a summer.
Visiting Glacier and Banff national parks are very high on my realistic list. Visiting NZ would be an incredible trip too.
Doing the continental divide trail, would you stop at the can/usa border? We have bumped into people mid/late july on our annual horse pack trip in southern alberta that are mid hike to the finish at mount robson in jasper national park in alberta Canada. Pretty crazy to think that they had started at the mexico border. Many are ill prepared for the back country, lacking the essentials like bear spray in grizzly country.

I would think that it would be a great way to spend a summer.
I would stop at the border.
"Master" a hobby. Fly tying, fly fishing, woodworking, baking, yodeling, whatever. Doesn't matter what it is, I just want to reach a level greater than novice.
In high school I wanted to work with Louisiana black bears. Spent two summers as a tech working on the population survey and checked that off my list. Other than that for "nonhunting" I've always wanted to at least hear a wolf howl at night. I'm sure some of you western and northern Midwest guys are shaking you head at that one. I enjoy sitting outside on cold winter nights listening to coyotes. Always wanted to hear a wolf.
Hike and sleep a few nights in the Bob Marshall in Montana and you will definitely hear wolves howling.

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