No Masks....Would you?

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There are many factors and to each their own.

That said, around here restaurants have been mask free this whole time essentially. You wore a mask while you walked to your table and sat down, and then you took it off. I get it, but it always seemed a little bit performative when you looked around and everyone did not have masks on except for the people walking to their tables.

I don’t care if the cook, the waiter, and the folks I’m sitting at the table with are positive for Covid. Is chicken fried steak on the menu? Take my money.
Around here u only have to keep a mask on until your drinks arrive. So the mandate is kinda pointless without capacity restrictions (social distancing). I'm vaccinated so don't care either way.

But I also have toddlers and restaurants are a nightmare with toddlers!
Yup its same here you can dine "outside" in a fully enclosed tent, makes sense right. Also how it is here now you are suppose to wear a mask anytime your walking to and from your table but not once you sit down at your table. Smh
Your great state of Illinois is where I first heard that. In Michigan breweries were setting up pop up ice shacks and letting “households” sit in them.

Knowledge of Aliens = Knowledge of virus, risks, and having the public milieu decide policy

MIB = Public health departments that are trying to do what’s best for the population as a whole, not the individual

We have been through a year of this...

Every member of my family and social circle has been vaccinated, I’m literally the only one who hasn’t, I’m not worried about getting or transmitting COVID to anyone I know.

I also am not going to play a part in the growing FMO and contribute to the collective spiking the ball at the 2 yard line that is going on.

Rates are still high, deaths are high, I’m not going to shame anyone for their choices but also I think about how much it would suck to lose a family member 1 month or less before they get vaccinated.

So no, I wouldn’t go, I wouldn’t go out of my way to make a political statement about stupidity.

If I lived in a small town with low rates and had been eating at a diner without a mask since last May, sure I would continue to do so... but I’m not going to make it a thing.
I would go out of my way to eat there.

I got covid a couple months ago and still wearing a mask is a hassle. Relaxing mask "mandates" does not equate to being forced to take your mask off. Wear a mask if you want to, don't wear one if you don't want to. Whatever, I don't care. Let's keep some personal choices around and leave me alone...
Here's the friendly reminder to anyone who still doesn't get this yet: masks aren't about protecting the wearer. You aren't showing how "not scared" of the virus you are by refusing to wear one.

Like others have said, restaurants here are a joke when it comes to actually enforcing covid prevention measures. I deliver for the various food apps and some of the places have been full capacity with nobody wearing masks or distancing. My wife and I havent been going out to eat quite as often as before but I wouldn't say its necessarily a conscious decision to not go to these places due to covid.

So would I go to a restaurant in SC knowing they had no mask requirements? Probably. But I wouldn't be flocking to go there.
Wyoming has dropped mask requirement too but the county and many of the stores have not. I only wear a mask when I have to or a place requests it. I have low blood oxygen issues and the masks cause my glasses to fog when it's cold out so I avoid them when I can. No one has given concrete evidence that they are effective anyways especially with people constantly touching them and readjusting the masks without washing their hands before or after.
As mentioned above.
We’ve been living with this for a year.
We the people know and understand the risks.
let us make our own decisions.
I know too many at risk people who’ve gotten through it just fine.

No I won’t be going out to any restaurants because I’ve worked too hard over the past 5 years developing these 4:10 otc marathoner lungs and legs to have them taken away from me by one of you filthy animals.
I was already dodging potlucks and stuff
Up to the individual I get it, my problem from the start has been with the inconsistency of it all. Have friends that own eateries here in town and our beloved Gov Kate has just about driven them to ruin with her flip flops and their ability to try to follow them. Hard to staff/unstaffed/restaff ever other month. 25% occupancy, 50% occupancy, closed, open... hell! Then outdoor is ok but (as stated) we have snow so out everyone in a “tent” and say it’s ok? Oh and “families” ok together, my daughter works at a brewery, “families” instantly tripled in size... related? Ah, sure🤷🏻‍♂️ Let me check that birth certificate. At the end of the day do we mask, depends on the business and location. Was caught down in Texas stuck in an airport for five days during that freak snow storm and I would have bought a freakin bubble to wear if I could have!
Not yet. I have gotten to go.
I also live in a very low population area,but many cross country folks moving thru. For a reason.
I know 10 who have died,so far. To each his own.
I'd eat there as long as it's not in the city of Denver or a few other specific areas in Colorado, the case rates are low enough in most of our state that I'm not too concerned. We've been trying to to takeout at least once a week to support the few local eateries that are near us, but many of the family-owned restaurants are still barely hanging on, they need business.
Here's the friendly reminder to anyone who still doesn't get this yet: masks aren't about protecting the wearer. You aren't showing how "not scared" of the virus you are by refusing to wear one.

Really the point is that the scared people want to force you to wear a mask. They need to understand that if they are afraid, they should stay away from maskless people. If there is any truth to the mask debacle, the maskers will survive and deaths will only happen in the maskless community.
But in reality yes I’d definitely eat at a mask less restaurant.
I stood face to face with hundreds of partially masked people on the ski bus this winter... no covid.
Mask mandates lifted here and cases continue to decline. I think we're close to herd immunity given (# cases) + (# cases with minimal symptoms so no diagnosis) + (# 10 days out from at least one dose of vaccine) + (# kids who don't easily contract or spread). As always with this time will tell.

But, our Governor pretty much opened up vaccines to all who wanted one weeks ago; maybe not in so many words, but they had plenty of vaccine and as late as this week had openings for anyone, not just 1b, and hospital executives were encouraging it on SM. Officially open to everyone April 1.
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there are generally several types of people when it comes to covid:

1. those that are healthy individuals that work hard to be healthy and are immunologically and metabolically very strong

2. unhealthy individuals that severely neglect their health and are very susceptible to covid basically at their own fault

3. unhealthy or older individuals with weak immune systems and metabolic dysfunction AT NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN and are extremely susceptible to covid

we got to think about that 3rd group in our decisions. but to me that also equally means not going to a restaurant if you're in the 3rd group as much as it means freely going to the restaurant if you're in the 1st group

at this point i struggle to have pity for group number 2
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