Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

No love from the Sportsmans Channel

I watch OYOA on video (and the web until the video comes out) since I don't have cable. If we have the chance to talk to sponsor's reps (at hunting shows, etc.) lets make sure they know we saw them on OYOA. Use of a product on OYOA is a major credibility factor to me.
for me oyoa and ehj are the best for western style big game,,,though solo hunter isnt bad,,,meat eater is fair but he doesnt get into trip logistics or camping like alot of hunters,,,hes pretty hardcore on back pack style hunting ,,,oyoa is a great overal blend that us average hunters do.
I'm with lone star-I watched the NM bow hunt again last night and I have to say I laughed out loud and cried at the same time. Glad the wife was out of town because I'm a big ole tough guy.
Pigman nominated twice, one of them being Best Hunt Show?!?!
IMO, that's the worst show on TV, I guess I am totally disconnected from what hunting is.

Keep up the good work Randy and OYOA crew, they have to come around to the best hunting show out there.
meat eater is a good show really liked the hole aspect he shows and the bear hunt looked challenging
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I agree with some of the comments. Hell yea ONYA is the best show on any channel!!!!!! It's my style of hunting. What I look for in a show is the overall picture, and I'm glad Randy has provided us with some decent TV to watch. I know that they, "ALL SHOWS" have to plug sponsors, and to many just do to much. I realize these sponsors want these guys to be on top of the game "awards". With some, I'm sure they will drop a show if they don't get in return they are in the business for.

I'm in a business, that sponsors are not in the game. But product is, I'm set or certain brands and no matter the price I will use them. On certain thing I will use a different brand, to try it out. That's one of the things about ONYA that I really like. Randy started his show with tried and true equipment. Items he used and believed and still believes in. But he doesn't stuff them down our throats like some of the others do.
Its about the experience for me, and a lot of guys on here. Yea I get excited when I am successful. I do think some of it's over rated. Or at least shown to much. I guess in order to have a award winning show, you have to to just that. "Have a Show"

As for my house hold. ONYA is the only good one out there right now. Yea we'll still watch some of the others. Most of which we don't like, and we pick apart like wildfire. My wife was raised and still is around hunting. She doesn't hunt per say. But at times goes along, she supports and reaps the harvest though. The other night we decided to watch a certain show and forced ourselves through it. She asked, if that was all they had. Then made the comment that as far as she was concerned that she didn't care if she watched anymore. And she only had one problem with ONYA. There wasn't enough episodes..

ONYA has the grammy in our house. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not much I can say that hasn't been said. I'm glad I'm not alone, and that there is still a group of people out there that appreciate doing things the right way...oh no!...I think I feel a commercial coming on now...yes siree, folks, I couldn't have done it without my Acme super dupper do-everything scope...but, right now we gotta git back to the lodge fer dinner and rest up afore we come back in the mornin' and gut this here elk out and, bla bla bla...fade out with rock music.
I'd be interested to hear what the vote tally's were to see what effect the write-in votes had.

Did they publicize the totals, Randy? Just curious if the OYOA nation made a difference.

And Pigman? Puhleeze.......I'm a red-neck and that nimrod embarrasses me, I can't stand that show! How the hell can that be deemed the best show on the Sportman's Channel?

I do like Steven Rinella's new show, I don't see a lot of product placement or constant advertising and enjoy his message of eating what you kill.

Not sure what effort the Hunttalkers can do to ensure you get nominated next year, let us know!
Pigman is one of my guilty pleasures.

My opinions couldn't be any different than his, and I don't know if I would let my kid(when I have one) watch it, but it's one of the few shows I'll watch beginning to end.

I don't why he cracks me up, but he just does.

I still wouldn't have voted it best show though, it has no real content. It's more of sit-com/reality show that happens to have hunting in it.
You know, I watch a lot of hunting shows on television and I will admit that I have my favorites and OYOA is one of them. It amazes me just how ridiculous some of these shows are though. I set my DVR to record anything that has "elk" in it. Last week I was watching a very popular show that and I found after 30 minutes of guys ribbing each other, farting and burping that they were never going to get to an actual elk hunt. I deleted the series from my DVR and realized that was 30 minutes I would never get back. My case in point, OYOA needs to keep doing what they do. Don't compromise your values and what this show was meant to be in the first place. Real hunters, hunting public land on their own. That is what I do and it makes me proud to have the struggles and successes that I do knowing that there are other people that experience the same thing without spending a fortune to do what they love.
I'd be interested to hear what the vote tally's were to see what effect the write-in votes had.

Did they publicize the totals, Randy? Just curious if the OYOA nation made a difference.

No, nothing published. Did you guys make a difference? Sure did.

What is making a big difference is when Leupold comes and tells me they get more positive emails from our show than any other. When the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, that is the parent of our title sponsor, Federal, stops to visit and tells me the great feedback he hears about our show from hunters he shares camp with and hunters in his family.

The OYOA supporters are known as the hardest of the hardcore TV audience. Not just your hunting style, but your knowledge of the issues important to conservation and your passion for the pursuit of fair chase hunting.

It is large events like his where I learn more about the people who are lurking on Hunt Talk to learn what is being discussed here; the number of people who use Hint Talk to learn more about issues before forming opinons or positions of their organizations; and where people stop me to tell me of something they read or learnedfrom lurking on Hunt Talk.

Not sure what effort the Hunttalkers can do to ensure you get nominated next year, let us know!

Probably not much, if the awards method stays the same. We are not going to be like the shows that were nominated, just to get an award. Awards are a reflection of the process and rules of the contest. Not necessarily a reflection of how well a show represents the values of their target audience.

I am only concerned about awards for the sake of what influence it has on ad agencies who use some of it to make sponsor decisions. Beyond that, it is a chance for our viewers to demonstrate their passion for what we are doing.

The best way to keep us moving forward is to notify our sponsors or potential sponsors of your interest in seeing more OYOA programming. And, keep giving your great input here that helps make our show that much better.

Thanks for all the great support and kind comments on this thread. Can assure you that without all of you and the support you have provided, we would have folded the tent a while back.
I do not like how the networks nominate the shows. I understand it's their network & therefore they want some control, but it obviously this promotes the ones they nominate. I admire that they allow the write-in boxes on some of the categories, but you are behind the eight ball from the get go.

I think OYOA is a show that we all appreciate because 99% of us hunt without a guide most of the time. I also don't think OYOA will be viewed like the other shows, as MOST of them SEEM to be trying to build the host or hosts into celebrities. I don't think Randy (OYOA) wants that or needs that to be successful.

Keep up the good work guys & YES I voted!
What is making a big difference is when Leupold comes and tells me they get more positive emails from our show than any other. When the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, that is the parent of our title sponsor, Federal, stops to visit and tells me the great feedback he hears about our show from hunters he shares camp with and hunters in his family.

Oh I bet those are some interesting conversations. Rubbin' elbows with some bigwigs. Cool.
Maybe next year the OYOA nation can bombard the Sportman's Channel with emails prior to the nominations being made public in support of OYOA.

Pretty hard to make the grade when you're not on the ballot.

Agree it's not about awards and such but when I watch other shows and compare it to OYOA, I don't think there are many that have the production quality that OYOA does.

I'm a little biased of course, but I want to see a Montana guy do well who comes across great on the show and is a true steward for wildlife and public lands.

Not trying to beat a dead horse here......

Man, I need to get out of the house and kill or catch something, kid activities are friggin killing my January.
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I admit I watch Pigman. Brian is a nice guy and he hails from Texas so I gotta back him. Also have watched two episodes of Meat Eater now and think that show is pretty good as well. Neither compare OYOA though. No hunting show does.
What is making a big difference is when Leupold comes and tells me they get more positive emails from our show than any other. When the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, that is the parent of our title sponsor, Federal, stops to visit and tells me the great feedback he hears about our show from hunters he shares camp with and hunters in his family.

Talk about validation. Like saying goes, "Money talks, BS walks."

Great work.
Agreed, the world of fat guys in trees with permenant stands on their own property (sorry for guys who like it) really doesn't do it for me. There are only 3 shows worth watching. #1 being OYOA. Damn Sportsmans Channel!

You poiinting at me??? I have two enclosed stands on 120 acres in N/E Mich, While I live 3 hrs away and am partially disabled, Theives have been unable to steal my towers like they did my stands., I hunted WYO on a DIY last year, and am planning on coming back this year pending my draw :) Yes I build the stands on holiday weekends.