Yeti GOBOX Collection

NM Javelina


Active member
Apr 21, 2012
I have never hunted NM for javelina, I am looking at units 29,30 as they look to be OTC, for next season. Do they hold a decent population of them? I have a different motive for spending time in the units if you can guess LOL. Figure it would be a good way to scout for barbary sheep as well. I would think being on the Texas border it would hold them fairly well but not sure if I am barking up the wrong tree and should look at different units. Not looking for honey holes but would take any pointers or advice you feel like throwing my way.
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Interesting I assumed since it wasn't listed specifically it would be OTC for Javelina. Guess I really can't read hahaha


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Sorry I was thinking barbary sheep. My bad
All good most guys are probably posting for that information as well. Don't get me wrong I will take that information also LOL. But I figure if I can go chase stink pigs and scout for a hopefull barb hunt that would be a win win in my book
In 29, I have seen some while deer hunting and it seems they really like brushy arroyos near water. I’ve never seen a javelina in 30 but I’m sure they are down there somewhere.

The hunting down in 29 is pretty tough for all game in my experience.

30 has better mule deer populations so maybe have decent javelina and sheep populations too. Never hunted sheep myself. I have heard 30 has the better sheep so good luck!
In 29, I have seen some while deer hunting and it seems they really like brushy arroyos near water. I’ve never seen a javelina in 30 but I’m sure they are down there somewhere.

The hunting down in 29 is pretty tough for all game in my experience.

30 has better mule deer populations so maybe have decent javelina and sheep populations too. Never hunted sheep myself. I have heard 30 has the better sheep so good luck!
I wouldn't mind trying for a Jan deer hunt there either but need to do some more research on the unit and google earth looking. I would think I should be able to snag a javelina tag when as I don't think they go on sale until March but I could be wrong. I tell people all the time I can't read so when I get something wrong I just blame that LOL
Season ends in March for javelina. I think they’ve been on sale for while? Idk last year I went to buy a javelina tag and couldn’t get one bc they were sold out.
Good catch I went and edited the original post, I am looking at next season.
Late to the party here but I would look more toward south-central/west New Mexico. All the non-draw units between Socorro and Las Cruces and west to the State Line with Arizona hold good numbers.
29 & 30 hold javelina. Though to glass in the creosote flats and brushy draws. Try to find some areas with topography for better glassing opportunities.