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Nice week in the Idaho turkey woods

Wally Dog

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2002
The morning report
11 yr old, his dad & myself in the "turkey silo"
1000 ~gobbles on the roost by multiple birds
7 am called a strutting longbeard to 20 yds...
little too much excitement and the shot was high....
somber for 5 minutes
Toms still lighting it up in the distance
7:30 henny penny waltzes in yelping and whining to 5 yards
7:45 nuther longbeard responds and shows himself at 75 yds...
more cautious than the first, takes his time (15 min) closing to 25 yards with the help of the "tantilizer call".
11 year old lowers the boom and a real whopper
20+#, 1 1/4" sharp limbhanger spurs, 10 1/2" beard
High 5's and hugs
What a morning.


Then off to the Clearwater country for a little action for us older fellas.
Weather was unsettled but birds were reasonably cooperative. Snow prohibited us from driving in two of the locations we typically hunt. It also had "most" of the birds a few hundred feet lower than our areas.
I'll be out calling for others till I can hunt my second bird after May 1.
Tally: 15 gobblers in shotgun range in 4 days far.
3 met their Waterloo.



Very nice work, and nice photos....

Let me know when you get thru the other 38 guys on the list ahead of me and it is my turn in the Turkey Silo.....
Congrats, its definitely a different season this year up north with the way the snow is holding on. I helped a buddy get his first adult tom (he killed a jake last year) last Friday. Had an 8 1/4" beard about 1" spurs, but body wise was probably the biggest I've ever had my hands on. We definitely had to work to locate him.
Jose ... My boy was 37..... We'll let you know how we do in a few years ;)

Kudos Wally !!!! Nice pictures like usual ~