PEAX Equipment

Next Year, I'm going to Florida


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Northern Alaska was a little chilly this year. I figured sooner or later I would take my lumps up there.

I had a picture on my camera from Mexico last winter. Kept showing it to my brother when it would start snowing again:D He threatened to break the camera.



A little sick in the head to be laughing at this white chit. Note to self, take heavier gloves next time.

I think this bird wanted into our packs, for a free trip south.


Enough whining about the weather.



There were rams bedded in the saddle the evening before. Had to go and find where they went.

Found them.
When the sheep Mtns beat you up to much, it is time to go and chase some bou.

60 yards, not close enough.


Same Bull. I actually ended up missing him @ 39yards, quartering away, unaware and feeding:mad::mad: It still hurts.............alot.


I had this bull walk by me @ 25yards. There was another smaller bull following his everystep on the other side. I didn't shoot for fear of killing 2. I think I made the right decision:confused:

Me after passing up the shot, dazed and confused.
Someone needs to get some killing done.


Some people didn't miss



Only dummies carry bou 5 miles.

The best part of the trip


Pictures are just OK. It was 1:30am by the time we got our packs and kinda hard to get good pics. We snuck up behind him in his bed. He was sleeping facing away from us with no shot. It was midnight and we were losing light for the sight pins. So we did what any other Grizz desperate hunter would do. Mike drew his bow and I hucked a rock over the bear. He just picks up his ears a little at the sound. Get a 2nd bigger rock, Mike draws his bow. This time he just lifts his head a little. Get a 3rd bigger rock, Mike draws his bow, I throw to the left of him. This time he again just lifts his head. Dammit.

4th rock way bigger, my biggest fear is I will gank the throw and hit him. Mike draws his bow, I throw as close to him, left of him and below him that I dare. This time he gets up on his front feet like a dog. Whack, double lung hit. He freaking roars and turns to run to our right. There was a second there where you just didn't know what to do. No cover, just 2 lumps on the hill above him. Luckily, he sprinted out to 80 yards or so and then tipped over, rolling down the hill. It was so awesome being right there. Darn near as good as shooting myself. I have not seen my brother that pumped in a long time. Not a huge bear but not something I would ever pass up either.


Nice!!! Trust me, the weather was better there than it was here. Looks like an awesome trip!
...insert drumroll.

None needed. Couldn't put on the big girl panties and get it done. Not a ton of legal rams this year.

My brothers friend did kill this beast. 14 inch bases. Which was fun to pretend to use as a parking block out of pure jealousy:D

Wow, there are some nice sheep there.

BTW, you are getting a lot better at this picture taking/posting.:D
You mean there is something wrong with the elements of this pic and the resizing job:D?

My brother is turning into a shutter bug as well. You just have to keep your camera on your pack belt if you want a lot of pics.


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Awesome pictures, looks like a hell of a time.
Shame you didn't connect, but congrats to your brother on an awesome trip.
Really cool trip, color me very jealous. Of course, I'm not sure if I have what it takes to toss rocks over a sleeping griz while waiting for someone to stick it with a bow. Crazy.
Dink, I don't know if you realize this, but that 'bou you missed at 39 yards and unaware of your existence looks HUGE!

Looks like a fun trip!
Man Dink, you've got this yearly Alaska trip down to a science. Even though it looks quite cold, would be an awesome trip. Thanks for posting.

As for the thirty nine yard miss . . . well . . . I guess . . . um . . . don't worry about it dude, no big deal. :D
Another epic journey!

Sorry bout the stinker of a miss on the bou, the cold, and the lack of good rams.

Very cool to be part of the the grizz and others' success.

Someday, I'll get back up there.
Dink uses these AK trips to make us all jealous. And once again, he has succeeded.

I'm with Carl. Not sure I would be huck'n rocks at a sleeping grizz, when the only thing keeping my hide in tact is a guy holding a sharp stick on a string. I can't imagine the adrenaline rush as that was happening. I guess that is why we do it.

Thanks for the stories and pics. A great share. Can't wait until the 2010 version.
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