New Life

Not Dragging it out ? All the Info up front ? Holey Crap.. how Boring is that ;)

Cutting trees, Fishing, Chasing Waterfowl....... Doesn't sound all that bad. :D

Kudos on the New GIG.
Elkchasr, thats my old stomping grounds, if your familiar with the towns around there, i grew up in ferndale, bout 1/2 hour north of sedro. My cousin lives in Mt. vernon who i visit quit a bit and do all my hunting with. Will have to swing in and say hi when im up there.
Thanks again guys, yep Paul, it's got a ton of potential for growth,and yep kirk, that would be fun I would be certainly looking forward to it, I'll send a PM where I'm at...

Russ... :)
LOL Brian... Naw...

I figured that I had better quit screwing around for a bit and look seriously at some thing for 5 or so years...

New experiences, new things to do... :)
Well, I'm getting settled in pretty well, will be making some life changes to this place in another couple weeks.

I don't think people will recognize this place in the next year or so, there are many things a facilities manager can do to an establishment such as this, if they have the no how.

Will be getting pics taken today of the befores.

One of the great things, I start when I want, get done when I want, take the days off that suit me.

I get up in the mornings, start at 0600 admire the mist on the lake, the snow on the mountain tops, the fresh air, and all the life around me.

The help is excellent, I just get a line on what their doing, and off they go.

I have people coming out of the wood work to volunteer to help with the larger projects that will be starting soon and they even pay me to be here.

I took a couple hikes in the hills already and found elk, deer, and bear just up the hill from the house.

There are elk all over around here, a far cry from when I was younger, this area was one of the worst in the state for much of any thing.

The mountains are steep, so this gives me a great work out, and I only need to walk 200 yards to disappear into the wilds of the region.

Some of the only problems are that they don't have much for services here, but I have vendors crawling out of the wood work to come up here and help me rectify that.

There are only two internet sources on the premises, my office and my secreteries office, both being dial up... (uuggghhhh)... But hey, we can't have it all.

In the next week or two, I should have pics up to give a little more insight of what I have to deal with every day... ;) :D:D:D

Until the next time...

Have a very nice day... :)
Well, the bear sightings around here have been a daily thing, I just asked my secretary to make me a dozen "Don't feed the bear" signs to hang around this place.

I haven't gotten any pics of the bear yet because I'm busy as all get out, but one of my employees sat and watched one that she said was the size between your knees and waist...

Some of the stories from my customers seem to sugest or they say out right that the bear is some where in the 350-450 lb catagory :rolleyes:

They also say the trees around here are 200-300 feet tall to, so what do they really know... ;)

I finally got a few pics of my office on my puter today, I will see if I can get them up in the next few days or a week or two when time allows... :)
Elkchaser, sounds like your settled in and liking it, may have to swing into your place and do some bear hunting this fall, can you hunt around there?
or is it a no no since its a recreation place.
LOL... I saw a bear last night, didn't get any real decent pics as the little bugger didn't want to pose for the camera unless it was in the shadows just as it was getting dark, will try to play around with some of the pics to make it better. One wasn't more than 10 feet away when it ran up a tree next to the road, then sat and watched close enough to the ground Oscar could have swatted it in the arse.

Yep Robert, there are some of those here, but mostly people that are in the more retired stages of life, with a smattering of every thing else. Only been here a month so don't have all the peculiurs yet.

It isn't so much the "Smoky the Bear" people who are having issues with it, but the game department.

I contacted them, they don't or won't do any thing because of the amount of bears in this part of the country. I can fully understand that reasoning.

Almost all of the places I've hiked already have some sort of bear scat in easy view.

I have to wait until the 20th for my board meeting to see if I can get the rules changed a little about the use of fire arms on this facility.

I put signs up all over the place that simply reads, "Do not feed the bears"

This way, when people come in to complain that the bears have made a mess out of their places, I can tell them that I put up the signs and why didn't they read them...

I've already recieved complaints about the amount of bird seed out right now, and dog food placed out for coons...

:D Isn't this going to be fun. :D
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