Caribou Gear Tarp

New Bear Hunting Laws coming?


New member
Feb 8, 2001
Milford Center, Ohio ,USA
I just got this in the mail and thought some of you might like to read this or get hold of the whole thing! The lady who sent this will welcome any one who wants the whole statement as she says in her letter! This is just FYI type thing!
Mike Murphy

Sue ([email protected])

Dear Friend,

For five days in early July I attended the Animal Rights 2001 Conference

at the McLean, Virginia Hilton Hotel.

The following [long] report of what I saw and heard
during those five days is something that I believe should be read and
understood by every American. If you agree, please forward it to your
friends and associates. Give it to anyone who will publish it in any
publication that will do so. Talk to every one and every group that you

can about it. If you can suggest anything further that I can do to help

place this threat to our way of life before others, please let me know.

My purpose here is to make available what I learned at this Conference
as many people as possible. Anything you can do to help will be greatly


Jim Beers

Here is an excerpt from the report:


The Animal Welfare Act is the vehicle for expansion and amendments that
we had hoped it would be.
The Federal Bear Protection Act proposed by Senator McConnell (R-KY)
transfer control of bears from the state to the Federal government.
We control the Federal Congress and the Federal bureaucracy now. In a
few years we will control the state legislatures too.
Get supporters in Federal agencies and work together.
We need Federal laws over dogs and cats.
Training dogs for security, hunting, and performing must be controlled
the Federal government.
Most Federal legislators are pro-animal rights and soon most state
legislators will be too.
Federal controls break the back of the state fish and wildlife agencies
that are pro-hunting.
State agencies are enemies.

Sue Cone (e-mail me for a copy of the complete report.)
([email protected])
:confused: :confused: :confused:
The communistnazis NEVER, EVER, disengage! Ban hunting, then ban guns because as no one can hunt, no one needs a gun (self defense will also be banned) anymore.

Anyone who thinks that these communistnazis don't know exactly what they're doing, is very naive. Incrementalism: step by step by step by step...

And, they can so easily manipulate the myriad brain dead bliss ninnies who do the foot work for them.

Never give in, boys and girls! They sure as Hell won't!! L.W.