Never Trust People

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New member
Oct 9, 2004
Joliet, Illinois
As most of you know, Quiet and myself were living with my parents,per their request, to try to help them out. However, since they want us to worship them like gods and we wont, It appears as though they are gonna try to have us kicked out. I was told earlier today that tomorrow we are getting thrown out. Whether or not they can do it, due to we pay them rent, I have no idea. If they do succeed, we wont be online for a few days possibly a few months. It depends on how soon I can get this number transferred to The house we are going to be living in for the time being.

Her uncle and Aunt has told us that is they get away with this, to call them and they will come up here and help us load all of our stuff into their vehicle, and take it out. |oo Now alot of you know we have been here for a couple years helping them with their bills. Well it turns out that we did nothing but make asses out of ourselves and let them use us. :MAD They were able to throw me out several years ago and left me with none of my belongings that I had paid for. This time its not gonna happen. All we can do is hope that we can buy enough time to get our things boxed up and ready for the move.

I can tell you this much, after we move, get thrown out, whatever, I am going to make it known to them that they can NEVER ask me for help again because I WIL NOT allow them to use me anymore. Yes they are my parents but its time for us to get the hell outta dodge. All they do is threaten us if we refuse to be their slaves. That's not gonna happen once we get out. So I thought I would be considerate to those of you we call friends or more like family would be the right phrase. If I can get the phone and internet transferred fsat enough, we will be back online. Thanks for all your support you've given us when we've talked about these bad times. Alot of you have done us alot of good just letting us know there's people like you out there.
good luck with the moving bandit,i was wondering where you and quiet 1 were,i had been checking the chat room and nobody was arround,hope everything goes well......big ben.....
Good luck with your upcoming life, I know every thing will turn out for the better. When you get every thing straightend out, then come back, we will for the most part all be here still....
Russ... :)
They kept all of your belongings last time and you moved back in?????
First, get at least out of driving distance from your parents.
Second, keep you phone number unlisted
Third, never , no matter what, speak to them again.
You know there are a lot of day time shows y'all could go on to make some money. Oprah or Montel or Jerry Springer just to name a few.

We have most of this palnned out. So far, they have not made any attempt to get rid of us. However we did already get ready for this and packed alot of things we rarely use into some boxes. And yeah nemont, I know Jerry Springer would love this but that's OK, I'm not in the mood to have him bring them on the show. I'd probably beat the hell out of them.
And yeah nemont, I know Jerry Springer would love this but that's OK, I'm not in the mood to have him bring them on the show. I'd probably beat the hell out of them


Don't worry about that because Jerry has those bouncer dudes who would restrain you just before you beat the hell out of your own parents. That makes entertaining TV.

this is great springer material for certain Bandit don't feel bad my parents kicked me out when I was 17 boot camp then started college later I only visit for short periods now but they keep try to kidnap my children for weeks on end scarey I know but yes I'd beat my mother up on Springer show too bye.
Well, speaking of TV shows, I just found out my sister the actress will be on the final episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" May 16. She'll be a nurse or, if you're a regular watcher, she'll be the only guest star. I have no idea how big of a part it is. Probably small.
I am sorry but I am still busting a gut over nemonts post, this has been the 8th time I have read this thread today.

Sorry to hear about the bad news Bandit and Quietone! Perhaps this is the best thing that could have happened to you both! Start a new life and take care of yourselves for a change! Enjoy the adventure and good luck to you both!
Thanks, soon we will, prob be movin inm onth not sure, be house big one, and my uncle his wife son, be helpin we help each other cause we all been there, plus so much funn with them only family we got, and we have what we all want and evrythig be better, anyway jerry springer hehe, i might be tmepted:D
This may be a dumb question but why are you living there if they are such assholes?
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