Never Trust People

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schmalts said:
This may be a dumb question but why are you living there if they are such assholes?

I am guessing because the lady of the house hasnt demanded a new diamond ring since the man of the house spends alot on hunting trips :rolleyes:

Now I used to watch alot of jerry springer so I am picturing this.

we have quiet one and bandit on one side, his parents on the other side.
now there is always the **SUPRIZE** guest they pull out and the **COUNTER SUPRIZE** Guest

then it gets to be alot of fun cause you got six people on the stage yelling lots of obsenities to each other, a one person taking off ther clothes and a couple of people swinging chairs.

and the audiance yelling Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry

I bet one of the **Suprize guests ** will be ithaca saying I cant hear you cause your on my ignore list that will surely WOW the audiance ;)
LOL,delw yeah osmethinl ike that, only no cloths cimng off, anyway why do we live there cause they such assholes, well they did need help, then about half year this chit started again, i gues wehn they get high mighty, they just act so big try intimidate, well it seems, and it true, they be assholes, then next day they so nice, always somethin up, and there is 99percent of time, i guess when they get back oh we went ove rour heads, lets kiss ass, well dont work with ither of us, so we just ignore em man they hate that,reason we helped is cause dad had med roblems, and always in hospital, we just nice then fate rit stopped, it was bad prob, they got back bein thier jerk selfs, so anyway i suppose they heard us packing, no they didnt get rid of us, yet prob just bluffin like always it dont scare us, why we gots place always go, gettin real good for us, they osmehow know, anyway mainly reason we still here cau ehis bro leavin soon like 3months so we do best we can to help him only him by puttin up with it, cause well personal,anyway but if we get call go sooner w ehave go man not gonna miss chance for nothin,so nayway seems for now just help his bro by putti up with em, he said well i tire dof chit to, buthey give me 3months or month then yall can go, usally they nice him notother son, well cause my hubby gettin osme tips how keep em shut up lol, anyway we are thinkin dad has eltimers, mom well i think she just plain bitch,i be nice wont say C, word:eek::),anyway thnaks for yall help and ur opinions thoughts, but w epacke dalot anyway just in cae might be 2week thing with the new house we goin to get,not sure yet but w epackedstuff we dont need yet, so we tryin help his bro but if 2week move comes in and we get call audios, means bye, sory but gots go:)
Well, no real biggie, soon we be gone they try find us begging to help em or hey ur dad died we say....and...hehe, anyway we puttin peace bond on em after, so no contact becouse they such assholes, and w edont give a chit if either dies well i guess it be in the paper:D
Quiet_One said:
Well, no real biggie, soon we be gone they try find us begging to help em or hey ur dad died we say....and...hehe, anyway we puttin peace bond on em after, so no contact becouse they such assholes, and w edont give a chit if either dies well i guess it be in the paper:D

:confused: :eek:

OK, i put it this way if they both die, the parents i mean, who gives a chit, when we move we are goin to put a peace biond on them, wich means no contact, no calls, why i said if eithe rof em die it will be in the paper:)
Picture it: Bandit in a wife beater tank top, Q1 sitting by him playing the tortured girlfriend/sister. Ma and Pa Bandit opposite them yelling back and forth. Ma and Pa Saying, "there ain't been no peace in the double wide since you two moved back in, all you two do is get on the damn computer and look at that huntin talk site". Crowd stars screaming for a good fist fight.

Q1 comes unglued: yelling, "if oyu both die, i mean, who gives a chit", and takes a swing at Bandit's mom. Bouncers rush in to break it up. Jerry calmly watches from the safety of the crowd.

Let here some comments from the Springer crowd.

Bandits mom, tears top off and bounces up and down, yelling you wish you had a set like this. Bandits dad tears off his shirt and shows he has bigger boobs than Bandits mom. Hillbilly music starts playing, Bandit and Q1 start square dancin on the stage.
LMAO, u guys funny, yeah i would like take hit at either of em mom or pops, but since dad has med prob wher eu hit em he dies, personal wont say, mom well really sur ei would,bandit is like greatest guy, prob maybe one othe rlike him, of course u have know em understand,otherwise other chit i know about him personally,me as well, noo ne know anyway the thing is well dad just started another fight withh is bro, wich very stupid, i htink if bro was same as before he prob hall off punch bastard,i heard it one night i was sure he prob do that, but no anyway mom says u to coulda helped my baby hubby , just about, scared to death, i said poor baby, my goodness he needs to take what he starts, anyway,i guess we all need go soon, wichn o prob not like we cant get our own house, me hubby well his bro ogin on his own with his gf, in another state he be fine so actually this so funny, but at same time kinda inconvient,with so much other hct goin on, but oh well, see today they just deicided kiss ass yeah , go ahead, make me laugh harder i can laugh all i can ,se ein jerry show the weak father and weak mother, as in thier health aint so great why it like u start fight u cant handle it, i odnt feel damn bit bad why should w ehave feelings noe yall owuld if u even went through cruel mean chit we did why did we take it cause we care but now , kinda lost that feeling although i still take care of em as in health otherwise if u know and u odnt do it can cause jail,why either of any of us canh it em so hae be alot yellin on jerry show although i go off he go off and well what can they do beside just sit say u are bunch assholes, yeah and:D're being a good sport thru all this. If you can laugh, I'll laugh too. Nemont's Springer post 'bout had me rolling.
Seriously, best to you and Bandit...hope the hard feelings heal.
Well I'll be honest. Nemonts post isthe best so far. I was rolling on the floor when I read that. But sorry dude, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN :D
I will Cover ALL the Airline costs, Room and Board and $20 for a New Shirt if you guys Call and Get on Jerry Springer. If you get said on the air another $50. Jsut think the Extra $50 could buy a 3 pack Wife beater set and a carton of sig's !!!

bandit is like greatest guy, prob maybe one othe rlike him, of course u have know em understand,otherwise other chit i know about him personally,me as well, noo ne know anyway the thing is well dad just started another fight withh is bro, wich very stupid

Now that sounds like True love there folks... I don't care Who "oyu" are !!!!!
whs I HAVENT USED WORD, YET oops sorry for the caps, what i said is, i have the greatest guy so diff from the rest wich i aint puttin no one down it always how u feel when u get right person for u , na du love sharing how it is with in reason not ur whole sex life:D, but anyway thats in girls room there:), anyway we havin lots other prob with chit in life really have get on it why w ehavent been on:) so i be home and hubby from now on, w ebe on puter
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