Never Trust People

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Sharing sex lives, umm where did i say we dont, we do what all other couples do, thats that:)oh ic what u mean ummm i just threw that in there well why not all goes together:D
After trying to decipher what the hell is being said in this thread I have decided that this pic is needed,



  • bunnywithpancake.jpg
    19 KB · Views: 88
Feclnogn, man that killed me. That made as much sense as some of the rest of the commentary on this thread. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the spewed on monitor Feclnogn.....that couldn't have been timed any better, LMFBO.........

I'm just glad that Quiet and Bandit have eachother, that's what counts...
Moosie said:
I will Cover ALL the Airline costs, Room and Board and $20 for a New Shirt if you guys Call and Get on Jerry Springer. If you get said on the air another $50. Jsut think the Extra $50 could buy a 3 pack Wife beater set and a carton of sig's !!!

Now that sounds like True love there folks... I don't care Who "oyu" are !!!!!
Will you make me the same deal? if so make my carton of sigs hi-cap 229s :D
Thats funny felcon, hope that um u really dont have a porblem with mental retards, becoue who knows u or ur fmaily at any time cna have same problem , who knows could be joke might not be:)
Quiet I just like harassing them about your post...It is all-good... I just know Men tend to Skip over what the Women type and keep going...Well I do know my baby ready all my post...It is my sense of humor & Hot Looks ;) that got him hooked. We would have been with me being cute and all, but it is me keeping him laughing that makes him want to continue to be with me!!!!
LOL, i know whs i love ur sense of humor i just thought u seriously got lost, thats all hey i love be great friedn and alot more closer, but prob is we all many miles away right now w ehave huge problem if we were really do what we wanted to say or ask we dont need chit from smartasses might not be so good, may end up in real big arguemnt, anywho, right now it not all that good, i mean life not relationship wise thats all we got right now thats why we are staying sane as can be alot of u guys are keeping us from doin chit we could go jail for seriously we wouldnt do it but it is a though:D
WH's OutdoorsChick said:
Quiet I just like harassing them about your post...It is all-good... I just know Men tend to Skip over what the Women type and keep going...Well I do know my baby ready all my post...It is my sense of humor & Hot Looks ;) that got him hooked. We would have been with me being cute and all, but it is me keeping him laughing that makes him want to continue to be with me!!!!

but it is me keeping him laughing that makes him want to continue to be with me
You really know men, either washington hunter is gay or your wrong. I am betting your wrong.

its called a piece of ass! wether you like it or not most men are around only for a piece of ass, they dont care if your funny or not, hell most dont even care if your good looking. when a man sticks around cause your funny, you might want to start thinking about not letting him go out with the guys anymore
You really know men, either washington hunter is gay or your wrong. I am betting your wrong.

its called a piece of ass! wether you like it or not most men are around only for a piece of ass, they dont care if your funny or not, hell most dont even care if your good looking. when a man sticks around cause your funny, you might want to start thinking about not letting him go out with the guys anymore

hump :D
Delw said:
You really know men, either washington hunter is gay or your wrong. I am betting your wrong.

its called a piece of ass! wether you like it or not most men are around only for a piece of ass, they dont care if your funny or not, hell most dont even care if your good looking. when a man sticks around cause your funny, you might want to start thinking about not letting him go out with the guys anymore
Second that
I Third that!

Yeah...Well You are right I am a Great Piece of ASS ;);) I must 10 years he has not been with a chick as long as he has been with me!!! We are staying together for the long run!!!! And NO he is not Gay...If he was He would have started flirting with Jose/ Mikadoodle, when Mikey was laying on the lines pretty heavy!!!!

I am sure all your wives know that you are with them for the piece of ass, and the cooking, and the house cleaning ect..... If He would rather be with me then out with Guys then I have No problem with that! :rolleyes: :p

Love Ya Guys!!!
Hhehe never have worrie about my man like that, hope rest of yall have it great also:)
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