My First Bull ! ! ! Thanks Bill


May 3, 2011
Bozeman, MT
Well, I am new to the forum and just started really watching the website this season. I have been hoping that my first post would be a good one...for me its a great one.

This season is my second season of chasing elk with my bow. I had a sweet season and was able to spend several mornings and evenings out chasing game.... whenever work, church, and my wife would let me.

I had a good buddy leave the state to pursue work in Texas, before he left he told me where his elk honey hole was at. After a week or so into the season I went to check it out. I drove pretty close to where he had told me to go, shut off the truck, got out and before I even had my shoelaces tied bulls were bugling on both sides of the trail. So, I continued to work the area whenever possible, nearly every time out I was able to work on a bull, I had several close, one that I completely blew it and missed. After missing I was feeling pretty discouraged and thought about waiting for rifle season. I went one morning with a couple of guys and we could hear them, down in the deep dark timber, a hill that seemed to steep to go in after them. We all headed home after the morning. I kindof thought about taking some time off again and another friend called who hadnt been out much and we talked about going to the tabacco roots for an evening hunt but had limited time. I thought we could try this spot one more time, just going further up the trail to get into the deeper timber. well it workd.

We walked just over a mile and were looking into a clear and there he was...grazing in the open about 300 yards out. We had the perfect set up right in front of us. I got down in the bushes and my buddy stayed back 20 yards to call. We worked on him for atleast 30 minutes. He closed the gap and hung up, when it seemed he might not come my friend changed to a different cow call and that was it. The bull decided it was time to get some tail. He came into 16 yards for a perfect broadside shot. Hit him perfect and he turned to retreat and we heard one crash and he got up...followed quickly with another very loud smash...we knew he was down. We approached the area to look for the arrow and start marking the blood trail. I was looking at the ground and my buddy looked up and pointed to an antler sticking out of the brush no more than 40 yards out...and thats my first Bull! That didn't end the action for the night, as we were looking at him we had 2 more bullz bugling and one came into the clear...we hustled as it was near dark, we worked on them but never closed the deal...however, that is why there are only two pictures of the elk...too much action to stop for pics.

I had a great time, hunted with some very good friends, had several close ones, and finally got to fill the freezer. Thanks to Bill for a nice spot to Archery Hunt.


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Nice bull and write up Brock. Hopefully you can have more to post in the future. Most of these guys would probably like to see some of you Steelhead fishing adventures as well.
Good job on the bull. Way to keep going after the miss. I know about missing this year, it sucks.
Grats on a great first bull! Archery to take the first? Mega Grats there! Thanks for sharing the story and pics!
Think you owe your buddy a very merry X-Mas card! :)