My 2013 lope trip


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
Southwest Pa.
Planning my wife and I’s Wyoming lope trip over the summer, I decided that the first week would be better than the second. I couldn’t have been more wrong! We hit the snowstorm perfectly and had to spend some unplanned time in Casper till we could get into the unit.
We took a walk once the tent was up and it was pretty tough going, lots of snow drifts that caused us to skirt around many of the small ditches and We were on our way back to camp and stumbled on a herd of about 30 lopes. They busted us and we were over 400 yards so we had not shots.
The next day we headed out and had similar issues just walking from point A to point B as the day before, very tough going. That afternoon, heard a shot not too far off. Soon a small band of lopes were running our way. They eventually stopped on the other side of a small rise. I moved in to a better position and was able to get a 150 yard broadside shot on a nice doe. doe.jpgThe rest ran past my wife but she elected not to shoot at them while on the run.
After a day or two of chasing antelope all over the place and seeing more road hunters than anything, we spotted a small herd about a mile off and spent a few hours playing cat and mouse with them. We finally got to a high spot expecting them to be close but they had gone the other way. I could still see a couple lopes, one of which was a buck, and thought I could get in on them for a shot. When I could get as far I could, the range finder said 350 yards on the buck. The wind was a little strong so I cheated into it pretty generously and let one go. He turned, took a step and tipped over. It turned out to be a perfect shot right above the heart.buck.jpg
Another day went where I was able to take a doe close to camp and many stalks after that we either got busted first or there was not shot. On the last evening, we started walking back to camp and had one last chance at two does. The wife made a nice 250 yard shot and she had one down. Cant wait till next year to do it again.
Congrats to you both.
I'm going to do that one day - have lots of points built up just hate to sacrifice any elk hunting time...
Nice hunt. That was a hell of storm south of Cody too. We stopped hunting there for a few days until roads kinda opened back up.
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